The Empire Is Obsessed with Perverse Types Of Punishment
Western culture is clearly obsessed with rules, guilt, submissiveness and punishment.
By now it is clear that the West is the least free society on Earth.
In North America and Europe, almost everyone is under constant scrutiny:
people are spied on, observed, their personal information is being
continually extracted, and the surveillance cameras are used
Life is synchronized and managed. There are hardly any surprises.
One can sleep with whomever he or she wishes (as long as it is done
within the ‘allowed protocol’). Homosexuality and bisexuality are
allowed. But that is about all; that is how far ‘freedom’ usually
Rebellion is not only discouraged, it is fought against, brutally.
For the tiniest misdemeanors or errors, people end up behind bars. As a
result, the U.S. has more prisoners per capita than any other country on
Earth, except the Seychelles.
And as a further result, almost all conversations, but especially
public discourses, are now being controlled by so-called ‘political
correctness’ and its variants.
But back to the culture of fear and punishment.
Look at the headlines of the Western newspapers. For example
, The New York Times from April 12. 2018:
“Punishment of Syria may be harsher this time”.
We are so used to such perverse language used by the Empire that it hardly strikes us as twisted, bizarre, pathological.
It stinks of some sadomasochistic cartoon, or of a stereotypical
image of an atrocious English teacher holding a ruler over a pupil’s
extended hands, shouting, “
Shall I?”

Brits enjoying Africa (photo by Andre Vltchek)
Carl Gustav Jung described Western culture, on several occasions, as a
“pathology”. He did it particularly after WWII, but he mentioned that
the West had been committing terrible crimes in all parts of the world,
for centuries. That is most likely why the Western mainstream
psychiatrists and psychologists have been glorifying the ego-centric and
generally apolitical Sigmund Freud, while ignoring, even defaming, Carl
Gustav Jung.
The extreme form of sadism is a medical condition; it is an illness.
And the West has been clearly demonstrating disturbing and dangerous
behavioral patterns for many centuries.
Let’s look at the definition of sadism, or professionally,
Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD), which both the United States and Europe could easily be diagnosed with.
This is an excerpt of a common definition of the SPD, which appears in and on many other on-line sites:
“…The sadistic personality disorder is characterized by a pattern
of gratuitous cruelty, aggression, and demeaning behaviors which
indicate the existence of deep-seated contempt for other people and an
utter lack of empathy. Some sadists are “utilitarian”: they leverage
their explosive violence to establish a position of unchallenged
dominance within a relationship…”
It is familiar, isn’t it? The Empire’s behavior towards Indochina,
China, Indonesia, Africa, Latin America, Russia, the Middle East and
other parts of the world.
What about the symptoms?
“…Sadistic individuals have poor behavioral controls, manifested
by a short temper, irritability, low frustration tolerance, and a
controlling nature. From an interpersonal standpoint, they are noted to
be harsh, hostile, manipulative, lacking in empathy, cold-hearted, and
abrasive to those they deem to be their inferiors. Their cognitive
nature is considered rigid and prone to social intolerance, and they are
fascinated by weapons, war, and infamous crimes or perpetrators of
atrocities. Sadists classically are believed to seek social positions
that enable them to exercise their need to control others and dole out
harsh punishment or humiliation…”
Just translate “sadistic individuals” to “sadistic states”, or “sadistic culture”.
Is there any cure? Can a sadist be effectively and successfully treated?
“Treating a sadistic personality disorder takes a long time…”
And many sites and publications carry a clear disclaimer:
“The above information is for processing purpose. The information
provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency…”
And humanity is right now clearly at the crossroads, facing
annihilation, not only a ‘medical emergency’. The world may soon have to
literally fight for its survival. It is because of the SPD of the West
and its Empire.

Punjabi man being flogged by British colonialist (photo by Andre Vltchek)
So, what is in store for us now; for instance, for Syria?
What will the sadistic psychopath do to a country that refused to
kneel, to prostitute itself, to beg for mercy, to sacrifice its people?
How horrible will the “punishment” be?
We have just witnessed 103 missiles being fired towards Damascus and
Homs. But that is only what the Empire did to entertain its masses. It
has been doing much more evil and cruel things to the nation which
constantly refuses to glorify the Western imperialist and its neocon
dogmas. For instance, the Empire’s ‘professionals’ have been
manufacturing, training and arming the most atrocious terrorist groups
and injecting them into the body of Syria.
The torture will, of course, continue. It clearly appears that this
time the script will be based on some latter adaptation of the Marquise
de Sade’s work, on his novel
Juliette, not
Justine. You see, in
Justine, women were ‘only’ tied up, slapped and raped. In
Juliette, they were cut to pieces, alive; they were burned and mutilated.
Justine can still be read, no normal human being could go through the 700 pages of pure gore that is
But our planet has somehow got used to the horrors that have been administered by the sick Western Empire.

Poster of human zoo at Military Museum in Paris (photo by Andre Vltchek)
People watch occurrences in places like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq or
Libya as ‘news’, not as the medical record of a severely ill psychiatric
The most terrible ‘novel’ in the history of our Planet has been
written, for centuries, by the appalling brutality and sadism of first
Europe and then by its younger co-author – the United States.
And the human beings in many parts of our Planet have gotten so used
to the carnage which surrounds them that they do not throw up anymore;
they do not feel horrified, do not revolt against their fate. They just
watch, as one country after another falls; is violated publicly, gets
The mental illness of the perpetrator is undeniable. And it is contagious.
In turn, the extreme violence that has been engulfing the world has
triggered various neuroses and mental conditions (masochism, extreme
forms of submission, to name just two of many) among the victims.
Exposure to the constant and extreme violence ‘prescribed’ and
administered by the West, has left most of the world in a neurotic
Like a woman locked in a marriage with a brutal religious fanatic
husband in some oppressive society, the world has eventually stopped
resisting against the Western dictates and tyranny, and ‘accepted its
Many parts of the planet have developed ‘Stockholm Syndrome’: after
being kidnapped, imprisoned, tormented, raped and humiliated, the
victims have ‘fallen in love’ with their tyrant, adopting his worldview,
while serving him full-heartedly and obediently.
This arrangement, of course, has nothing to do with the healthy or natural state of things!

Freedom Equality Brotherhood. For French maybe but not for colonized Vietnamese (photo by Andre Vltchek)
In Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, bizarre things
are happening! People from those nations that have been robbed and
devastated for centuries by the European and North American despots,
have been flying happily and proudly to Paris, Berlin, London, Madrid,
New York and other Western cities, in order to ‘learn’, to ‘study’ how
to govern their own countries. There is usually no shame, and no stigma
attached to such obvious intellectual prostitution.
Many victims are still dreaming about becoming like their victimizers, or even more so.
Many former and modern-day colonies of the West are listening, with
straight faces, to the Europeans preaching to them (for a fee) about
‘good governance’, an ‘anti-corruption drive’ and ‘democracy’.
The media outlets of non-Western nations are taking news reports
directly from Western press agencies. Even local political events are
explained by those ‘wise’ and ‘superior’ Europeans and North Americans,
not by the local thinkers. Locals are hardly ever trusted – only white
faces with polished English, French or German accents are taken
Perverse? Is it perverse? Of course, it is! Many servile
intellectuals from the ‘client’ states, when confronted, admit how sick
the continuous global dictatorship is. Then they leave the table and
continue to do what they have been doing for years and decades; the
oldest profession in short.
Such a situation is truly insane. Or at least it is extremely
paradoxical, bizarre, absurd. Even a mental clinic appears to make more
sense than our beloved planet Earth.
However, clinical psychiatrists and psychologists are very rarely
involved in analyzing the neuroses and psychological illnesses of the
brutalized and colonized planet. They hardly ever ‘analyze’ the
perpetrators, let alone expose them for what they really are.
Most of psychologists and psychiatrists are busy digging gold:
encouraging human egotism, or even serving big corporations that are
trying to ‘understand their employees better’, in order to control and
to exploit them more effectively. Other ‘doctors’ go so far as to
directly serve the Empire, helping to oppress and to ‘pacify’ the
billions living in the colonies and new colonies of the West.
In 2015, I was invited as one of the speakers to the
14th International Symposium on the Contributions of Psychology to Peace, held in Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa (hosted by legendary UNISA).
During that fascinating encounter of the leading global
psychologists, I spoke about the impact of wars and imperialism on the
human psyche, but I also listened, attentively. And I learned many
shocking things. For instance, during his chilling presentation, “
Human Rights and U. S. Psychologists’ Wrongs: The Undermining of Professional Ethics in an Era of ‘Enhanced Interrogation’”,
Professor Michael Wessells from Columbia University, New York, spoke
about U.S. psychologists and their participation in torturing political
Instead of diagnosing the Empire with SPD and other violent and
dangerous conditions, many psychologists are actually helping to torture
those who are opposing this unacceptable arrangement of the world.

Names of and photos of murdered Chilean people by pro-US military junta (photo by Andre Vltchek)
Those who refuse to ‘learn from the West’, to fall in love with it,
or at least to serve it faithfully, are being brutally punished.
Lashes are hitting exposed flesh. Entire nations are being destroyed,
genocides distributed to all continents. East Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq:
it never stops.
I follow the discourses of the US and especially British UN
delegations, ‘discussing’ Syria and even Russia. What comes to my mind
is Punjab in India. I recall those old, historic photos of Indian men
being hanged by the Brits, pants down, and flogged in public.
They have been doing this kind of stuff, for centuries. They like it.
It clearly excites them. This is their democracy, their respect for
human rights and for other cultures!
If someone refuses to take his or her pants down, they catch the person, rape him or her, then do the flogging anyway.
I also recall what my Ugandan friend used to tell me:
“When the Brits came to Africa, to what is now Uganda, their army
would enter our villages and first thing they’d do was to select the
tallest and strongest man around. They’d then tie him up, face towards
the tree. Then the British commander would rape, sodomize him in front
of everybody. This was how they showed the locals who is charge.”
How symbolic!
How healthy is the culture that has been controlling our world for centuries!
One of the most frightening things about mental illnesses is that the
patient usually does not realize that he or she is suffering from them.
It is about the time for the rest of the world to treat the West as a
mental patient, not as the ‘leader of the free and democratic world’.
We have to think, to gather, to develop a strategy of how to deal with this unfortunate, in fact, terrible situation!
If we refuse to understand and to act, we may all end up in the most
dangerous situation: as complacent servants of the perverse whims of a
frustrated, extremely aggressive and truly dangerous SPD patient.
Andre Vltchek is a philosopher,
novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars
and conflicts in dozens of countries. Three of his latest books are his
tribute to “The Great October Socialist Revolution” a revolutionary novel “Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. View his other books here. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism”.
Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and
continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter.
Cover photo: French colonialists torturing Vietnamese patriots (photo by Andre Vltchek)