With the triumph of Great October in Russia, the foundations of capitalism were assaulted by militant people's power. For the first time, with the exception of the brief period of the Paris Commune of 1871, the working class was taking political power and creating a new social order. Under the leadership of Lenin and the Party of Bolsheviks, the October Revolution incepted the revolutionary struggle of the working class for socialism, the movement of the Russian people for peace, the struggle of the peasantry for land and the national liberation struggle of all the the subjugated peoples of Russia.
For the first time in history, the majority ruled, and created a new type of state, the Socialist state. The Soviets were in the form of worker power, which transferred ruling power to the workers, soldiers and farmers, creating a concrete, real democracy hitherto unknown; a democracy radically different from the high-sounding, purely formal bourgeois democracy; a democracy of the majority which began to participate in the state administration to shape the new society .
Those Parties which side with the cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 are Communists, those parties which decry and condemn the October Revolution are - whether knowingly or unknowingly, advocates for the reign of capitalist power, in one or another form: clericalist-authoritarian regimes, fascists, Tories, Whigs, bourgeois democrats, social-democrats, etc.
While coalitions of many progressive groups are indispensable in broad left democratic struggles, utter sublimation of the Communist viewpoint within any broad left coalition is a counsel of despair that ends in destruction of the Party.
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