China's communists defend Leninism
Deng Xiaoping
It is not uncommon to hear Marxism-Leninism described as a dogma or
outdated and irrelevant to the issues of the 21st century. This is
particularly so since the setbacks in the former Soviet Union and socialist
states of Eastern Europe. The following article from the theoretical
journal of the Communist Party of China makes an evaluation of the science
of Leninism in today's context.
Lenin actively participated in the Socialist world movement and supported
the struggle of the working class in all countries: he stood up against
imperialist aggression and expansionism and upheld revolutionary principles
within the Second International. After the October Revolution Lenin
directed the formation of the Communist International and lent sincere
support to the founding, development, and maturation of Communist parties
in many countries. He energetically supported the struggles for national
liberation of colonial peoples, and fostered the rise of the Socialist
movement and of national liberation movements on a world scale.
Lenin upheld the basic principles of Marxism and linked them to the
international workers' movement, to national liberation movements, as well
as Russia's revolutionary practice. He drew upon practical experiences,
comprised the wisdom of peoples, and applied Marxism creatively, enriching
and developing its theoretical basis.
Lenin solved scientifically a number of great theoretical and practical
questions of the Socialist world movement in the era of imperialism,
thereby achieving the transition of Marxism to the stage of Leninism.
Lenin was not only the teacher of the international proletariat, but also
the sincere friend of the Chinese people. Just as Marx and Engels, Lenin
attentively followed the changes in Chinese society.
From 1900 onwards Lenin had written a number of articles which unmasked the
crimes of the imperialist aggressors against China and gave many profound
and scientific theoretical analyses of the Chinese Revolution. Lenin had
great expectations for the future development of Chinese society. ... This
the Chinese people will always remember.
During the past decades there have been occasional conflicting assessments
of Lenin and Leninism throughout the world. In particular, after the
drastic changes in the Soviet Union, and its disintegration, Lenin's
achievements, and Leninism, were confronted with serious challenges and
were denigrated by many.
An evaluation of Lenin is not merely a question of Lenin the person, but
also a question of evaluating the cause he represented, and the theory he
created. It is not merely a matter of sentiment towards a historical
personality but highly relevant political question and a complex and
profound theoretical one.
Essentially these issues touch upon an assessment of the total history of
Socialism in the 20th century. Without doubt Lenin, too, made mistakes.
Some Socialist states also committed errors, underwent serious deformities
to the stage when drastic changes led to their disintegration.
However, the causes underlying the evolution of historical processes are
highly complex. In a certain sense the mistakes occurred because the
successors failed to observe the basic principles of Leninism.....
If one negates Lenin and Leninism one also negates, simultaneously, the
entire 20th century history of the heroic struggle of communists for the
establishment and construction of Socialism. Faced with such an important
question of principle we have to adopt a very serious scientific position
and maintain political sensitivity and determination.
Studying Lenin and maintaining the basic principles of Leninism does not
mean that with Lenin and Leninism the investigative process of humanity in
search of truth is concluded. Exactly the opposite is the case.
Marxism-Leninism is not a closed system, but a science which is constantly
enriched and further developed by practice.
Deng Xiaoping said: "One cannot demand of Marx to provide ready-made
answers to questions which have arisen more than one hundred years ...
after his death. Neither can Lenin assume the task of providing ready-made
solutions to problems which arose fifty or one hundred years after his
The task of enriching and further developing Marxism-Leninism demands a
vital and creative mind. In its essence theoretical work is creative work
which requires the continuous raising of new questions, collecting of new
material, the opening-up of new areas of activity and the development of
new ideas, the bringing forth of new theories. It also means to investigate
the unknown and to raise hitherto undiscovered treasures.
If Lenin would not have created something new on the foundation of Marxist
theories he would not have been able to show his followers the way to
Opening-up and creating what is new are the fundamental requirements of the
scientific method of Marxism-Leninism. It is the value of theoretical
investigation that it is always in the front-line of its time and not
trailing behind practice.
For the Communist Party of China the study of Lenin means, first of all,
the link of Marxism-Leninism with the characteristics of the present epoch
and with Chinese reality, so as to assiduously promote the construction of
Socialism with Chinese characteristics The theory of Deng Xiaoping and
Marxism-Leninism, the ideas of Mao Zedong, are a unified ideological system
of the same school.
* * *
First published in "Qiushi Zazhi" (8/2000), the Theoretical Journal of
the Central Committee of the CPC, translated by Ambassador(ret.) Rolf
Berthold from Chinese into German (abridged) and then translated from
German to English by Vera Butler.
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