Hadash (Hebrew: חד"ש, lit. New, an acronym for HaHazit HaDemokratit LeShalom VeLeShivion (Hebrew: החזית הדמוקרטית לשלום ולשוויון, lit. The Democratic Front for Peace and Equality); Arabic: الجبهة الديمقراطية للسلام والمساواة, al-Jabhah al-Dimuqrāṭiyyah
Head of Party: Hadash - Mohammed Barakeh -Born 1955, In shefaram, In the lower Galilee,To parents born in Saforia: married to Dr.Amal Ra'abi,three children live in Shefaram.
Number of Seats in 16th Knesset : 3
Number of Seats in 15th Knesset : 3
A Communist party also known as the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Hadash is primarily an Arab party, although it has Jewish candidates in its list. In the previous elections it would be the first time in the party history that Hadash won't have a Jew among its representatives in the Knesset, since he was placed #4 in the list and they got only three seats. Historically, Hadash has favored peace among Jews and Arabs, the withdrawal of Israel from Arab territories and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
The DFPE has three deputies in the Israeli parliament (Knesset) out of 120, a number of mayors, including the city of Nazareth, members of local councils, including Tel Aviv and Haifa and significant representation in the Histadrut (General Federation of Labor). DFPE by its activities and by virtue of its Jewish Arab composition has fortified its position as the main consistent, authentic Left in Israel. In its long years of struggle, it has contributed to changes in public opinion regarding issues of peace and equality, while remaining faithful to the overall interests of the two peoples – Israelis and Palestinians (to one point, it was the only formation which called for two states for two peoples).
The DFPE peace platform, as it appears in its program, is of particular importance these days during the current restoration of the Israeli occupation.
1. Evacuation of all the settlements and Israeli withdrawal from all the Palestinian territories conquered in the June 1967 war [from all of the territories of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.]
2. Recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to establish its own independent and sovereign state in the territories alongside the State of Israel.
The June 4, 1967 lines will become the recognized and secure borders between the State of Israel and the Palestinian State and the Arab countries. The Golan will be returned to Syria and Israel will withdraw to the international border with Lebanon.
3. In the framework of a permanent and stable peace settlement, West Jerusalem will be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel and East Jerusalem – the capital of independent Palestine. The accords will ensure cooperation between the two capitals, free access to the Holy Places and free movement between the two parts of the city.
4. A just solution to the problem of the Palestinian refugees will be secured in accordance with the UN resolutions (which recognize their right to choose between return to their homeland or to receive compensation) and in the framework of the negotiations.
5. The peace provisions will be anchored in agreements that will provide the legal basis for peaceful co-existence between states and non-interference of one state in the affairs of the other.
DFPE condemns the policies of the American government and its president George Bush for extending full and complete backing to the Israeli occupation, which is an act of state terrorism continuing for 35 years.
Hadash (Israel Communist Party)
The party's goals are:
1. To work for a just, comprehensive, and stable Israeli-Arab peace, at the center of which is Israeli-Palestinian peace based on two states for two peoples;
2. To act on behalf of the working class, the collective of workers and common classes in Israel, to raise the standard of living and further the development of the country for the benefit of all its Jewish and Arab citizens;
3. To work to ensure the political and economic independence of Israel;
4. To struggle for the equality of civil and national rights of the Arab population in Israel, to struggle against every manifestation of racism and nationalism, to defend human rights, and to defend democratic freedoms and the equality of ethnic rights;
5. To struggle for equal rights for women and to ensure freedom of conscience and the annulment of any form of religious coercion;
6. To act to establish a socialist society in Israel.
Hadash -The Israeli communist party
A Jewish State Vs. state for All Citizens
Hadash believes thet Equality should be given to all religions and all individuals in Israel.
Hadash will struggle for the equality of civil and national rights of the Arab population in Israel, to struggle against every manifestation of racism and nationalism, to defend human rights, and to defend democratic freedoms and the equality of ethnic rights;
Separate state & Church
Hadash is In favor of a complete separation between state and religion, and of legalizing civil weddings and of canceling all the laws that are forcing religion believes.
Settlement dismantlement
Evacuation of all the settlements and Israeli withdrawal from all the Palestinian territories conquered in the June 1967 war [from all of the territories of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.]
National Priorities
Hadash will act to establish a socialist society in Israel.
To act on behalf of the working class, the collective of workers and common classes in Israel, to raise the standard of living and further the development of the country for the benefit of all its Jewish and Arab citizens.
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