July 09, 2009

Akwesasne Chief in Talks over Border Closure, Kate Yule, Thursday, July 9, 2009, from CFRA Radio News

The head of the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory is in Ottawa to discuss temporary options to reopen a border crossing near Cornwall.

The border crossing, which is on First Nations land, was shut down on June 1st over native protests against the arming of border guards.

Grand Chief Mike Mitchell is meeting with the Canada Border Services Agency.

A tentative agreement reached on Tuesday was scrapped by the union representing border guards. A spokesman for Akwesasne Mohawks said the agreement included a eight-month ‘test period’ during which the border crossing would be relocated.

Cornwall Mayor Bob Kilger, who is not directly involved in the talks, says he hopes the border will reopen soon because the closure has devastated tourism in the area.

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