Alberta: A new bill introduced by the Alberta government proposes mandatory notification of parents when classes will be discussing evolution, sexuality or sexual orientation, as well as allowing the parents to opt their children out of them. This comes as the province is putting millions of dollars into remaking its image on the world stage.
"Fundamental to the thinking of the bill is that the parental right to control their children's education trumps the right to unfettered access to information", said Helen Kennedy, Executive Director of Egale Canada. "The impact that this will have on the early development of young LGBT persons from religious families, already in an extremely difficult situation, could be catastrophic."
The religious message of the bill is clear and leading to a quickly growing chorus of criticisms, especially around how children are going to be able to adapt to the world without basic knowledge in critical areas. How will future generations learn acceptance if they receive the message that there are things that should not be known or discussed?
This new bill comes on the heels of Egale Canada's recent release of a report disclosing the grim realities of day-to-day life in Canada's schools for LGBTQ students. The report proposes actions on the part of provincial Ministries of Education and School Boards to help create, assess, and enforce policies regarding LGBTQ issues. Kennedy says that the bill will push LGBT students and issues further into the closet.
The bill may also face a constitutional challenge, as it proposes to restrict the rights guaranteed to children under sections 2 and 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In addition to the public school system, Alberta has funding provided for Catholic, Jewish and Muslim schools.
Egale Canada is Canada's LGBT human rights organization advancing equality, diversity, education and justice.
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For More Information: Helen Kennedy, 416-642-5027/Mickey Wilson, 403-593-5923
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