When a priest goes bad he stinks like Hell!
From VHeadline.com
Published: Thursday, July 09, 2009
Bylined to: Arthur Shaw
Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga is not sick ... he's just evil
VHeadline commentarist Arthur Shaw writes: "In an interview released on Wednesday on Honduras media, the top representative of the Catholic Church in Honduras, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, put the blame on Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez for the crisis in the Central American country and recommended him to refrain himself from 'putting his hands here,'" according to EL Universal, a top representative of the bourgeois media in Venezuela.
Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, a worthless expert on divine beings with no sense of justice or ethics, blames Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for the overthrow of Honduran democracy and for the establishment of a reactionary bourgeois dictatorship in Honduras. The opinion of this worthless Catholic expert on divinity is peculiar, to say the least, for the 34-member OAS unanimously condemned the Honduran dictatorship, not Hugo Chavez. The 192-member United Nations unanimously condemned the dictatorship, not Hugo Chavez. The 27-member EU unanimously condemned the dictatorship, not Chavez. But this slimy, two-faced, and forked-tongued apostle of Mephisto and Mammon, who purports to be a prince of the Nazarenes, condemns only Hugo Chavez, not the dictatorship in Honduras. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez is as twisted and as perverse as his two masters, Mephisto and Mammon, spirits below.
"'This gentleman has tried to put his hands here. I whish him to leave us alone, to devote himself to rule his country and that is enough,' said Rodriguez, as quoted by daily newspapers La Tribuna and El Heraldo," wrote El Universal in Venezuela.
The comment "This gentleman has tried to put his hands here" means that Hugo Chavez, like millions of others in Honduras and all over the world, defends Honduran democracy overthrown by dictatorship while the filthy Cardinal Rodriguez does the reverse. The comment "I whish him to leave us alone" means this "us," whom the cardinal mentions, is the tiny minority of the Honduran people who exercise power over the vast majority of the oppressed Honduran people during the current dictatorship. Clearly, the degenerate cardinal is one of those whom the dictatorship financially rewards. The comment "to devote himself to rule his country and that is enough" means that slimy soul of the cardinal resents the passion for justice that the depraved cardinal sees in Hugo Chavez, person of ethics.
"Rodriguez read out on Saturday a statement during an obligatory simultaneous broadcast, where he justified the way President Manuel Zelaya was removed from office, AFP reported," El Universal wrote.
It is not uncommon for the filth and slime that reside at the top of Catholic hierarchy to rejoice exceedingly over a dictatorship that replaces a democracy. In April 2002 in Venezuela, four bishops joyfully signed the manifesto that extolled the virtues of the dictatorship that lasted only two days. This filth and slime in high places, who claim to speak in the name of the Nazarenes, often insinuate that God, the top divine being, endorses dictatorship over democracy.
"He [the foul-mouthed Cardinal Rodriguez] also urged Zelaya not to return to his country in order to avoid 'bloodshed' and pointed out that the Catholic Church is primarily interested in preventing casualties," El Universal wrote.
How many people were slaughtered during the overthrow of Honduran democracy on June 28? How many people are being slaughtered to preserve the dictatorship now? Cardinal Rodriguez, possessed by an insatiable appetite for evil, does not care about the "bloodshed" that is occasioned by the establishment of a dictatorship which financially rewards him.
"'No life should be lost for political reasons that may be solved through dialogue,' he added," El Universal wrote.
This disgusting cardinal, rotten to the core, is defending the ongoing taking of lives of the best of the Honduran people who cherish liberty and detest dictatorship. What this vile and despicable expert of divine beings means is that no life ... for example, his own life ... should be lost if the life blesses and loves this dictatorship in Tegucigalpa.
New York, N.Y., July 25, 2002 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed outrage at comments made by a Honduran Catholic Cardinal that implied an alleged Jewish manipulation of the American media. Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, in a May interview with the Italian-Catholic publication 30 Giorni, claimed Jews influenced the media to exploit the current controversy regarding sexual abuse by Catholic priests in order to divert attention from the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.
Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga ... who has five doctorates -- philosophy, theology, moral theology, clinical psychology, and psychotherapy and speaks almost any language ... is not sick. He's pure evil -- that is, (1) he knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses the wrong principle, (2) he does wrong in accordance with his principle, and (3) he relishes in the wrong he does.
We will hear more from this animal in Tegucigalpa ... many believe he is the next Pope.
Arthur Shaw
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