July 07, 2009

THE COUP, THE SELL-OUT AND THE BEARD by: Andrew Taylor, 07 July, 2009

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela on Monday asked US President Obama to define his position on the coup d’etat in Honduras by making a categorical pronouncement and to take actions to show his rejection of the coup in Honduras.

But Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, had another counsel: “Instead of another confrontation that might result in the loss of life, let’s try the dialogue process and see where that leads, and let’s let the parties determine all the various issues as they should,”. “It’s their responsibility to do that.”

In Honduras, Benjamin Bográn, a member of the Coup regime, said that Mr Arias’s willingness to act as a mediator was a positive development.

He opined: “He [Arias]has sufficient experience to be a good mediator in this problem,” he said yesterday….

I say the deal is done and Zelaya has had his mojo stolen while cryogenically “frozen” in brief exile: the US has referred the Coup to an 'eminent' '*Beard.'

I call it treason to the international working class.

W.H Auden summed up these imperial treasons and trade-offs:

"Intellectual disgrace stares from every hman face,
And the seas of pity lie
locked and frozen in each eye"

("In Memory of W.B. Yeats")
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a straightman used as a cover for an actor who ain’t playing straight.

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