July 08, 2009

Is the US Behind the Coup?, Young Communist League of Canada Updates, 08 July, 09

Special Rebel Youth Features on Honduras Coup:

Honduran President Manuel Zelaya had been irritating the country's
ruling class for some time with his support for Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, and his
calls for drug legalization…

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/l8hmnj

Return of Banana Republic

Backgrounder, video, plus Fidel’s on the assault on the Cuban
Ambassador to Honduras: “As he was there in custody, Bruno, who had
news of the kidnapping, called him to the cell phone; one of the
masked men tried to violently snatch the phone out of his hands and
the Cuban ambassador, who had already been punched shouted: "Don’t
push me, cojones!"

Read more:

** For discussion:

1. Seymour says if the US “has a military base in your country and
funds your military and major pro-US parties, then you probably do
have to get its permission before overthrowing the government.” Obama
has condemned the coup, but Canadian PM Stephen Harper has not – what
do you think?

2. What do you think of Fidel’s description of the attack on the
Venezuelan, Nicaraguan and Cuban ambassadors during the coup? How is
the Canadian media covering this coup?

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