July 10, 2009

Manitoba unemployment rate up, By Paul Turenne, Sun Media, 10th July 2009


Manitoba's unemployment rate rose in June as the province lost nearly 2,000 jobs during the month.

However, the number of full-time jobs in the province continues to grow.

Labour statistics released this morning by Stats Canada show that there were 495,600 full-time jobs in Manitoba in June, which is 100 more than there were in May and almost 6,000 more than there were in June 2008.

Part-time jobs are being shed in the province though. This morning's stats show a decline of 2,100 part-time positions from May to June 2009, and an overall decline of 8,000 over the past year.

Manitoba's unemployment rate was 5.2% in June, up from 4.9% in May and from 4.2% last June.


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