August 25, 2009

International congress devoted to intellectual Fr. Ignacio Ellacuría SJ

Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. (Portugalete, Biscay, Spain, November 9, 1930 – San Salvador, November 16, 1989) was a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, philosopher, and theologian who did important work as a professor and rector at the Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA), a Jesuit university in El Salvador founded in 1965. Ignacio Ellacuría was a close friend and colleague of the scholars Ignacio Martín-Baró and Segundo Montes, all of whom were assassinated with Ellacuría by the Salvadoran army, along with three colleagues and two employees. His work was defining for the shape UCA took in its first years of existence and the years to come. Ellacuría was also responsible for the development of formation programs for priests in the Jesuit Central American province.

Milenio, 25 de agosto de 2009

During the opening ceremony of the conference, Fr. Juan Jose Tamayo, director of the Chair of Theology and Religious Sciences at Carlos III University, celebrated the opening of the meeting which will meet until August 26 featuring specialists in the life and work of the Basque Jesuit priest, a naturalized Salvadoran.

Tue, 25/08/2009

Mexico City .- With the participation of nine specialists from Spain, El Salvador and Mexico, the University of the Cloister of Sor Juana yesterday inaugurated the first International Congress "Ellacuría: intellectual, philosopher and theologian".

During the ceremony, Juan Jose Tamayo, director of the Chair of Theology and Sciences of Religions Ellacuría, Carlos III University, celebrated the opening of the meeting (which will last until August 26). It will feature specialists in the life and work of Basque Jesuit priest, a naturalized Salvadoran.

"This is one of the leading advocates of liberation theology in Latin America, whose work revolved broadly around the defense of the popular masses and the oppressed peoples," he said.

This Congress, he said, will focus on analysis, reflection and debate on "This figure, whose stature at the 20th year of his murder, has been growing, and we have been discovering the dimensions of his rich personality".

He recalled that the issues raised by Ellacuría (1930-1989), undeniably still in force today and the discussion seems today a critical need to positively impact society and propose viable solutions to common problems.


The naturalized Salvadoran Ellacuría was one of the leading advocates of liberation theology in Latin America.

His work revolved around the defense of the popular majority and the oppressed peoples of the University as an instrument to serve the people and the liberating function of philosophy, strongly influenced by the philosopher Xavier Zubiri.

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