April 08, 2019

There is only one thing to say about its seventieth anniversary: ​​NATO must be destroyed! Partito Communista

There is only one thing to say about its seventieth anniversary: ​​NATO must be destroyed!

06 April 2019of 
NATO was founded seventy years ago, in 1949, to block the ideological and political influence of socialism and the Soviet Union, which had greatly increased since the Second World War, as well as its military power. Since its foundation, NATO has become one of the headquarters of anti-communism and an imperialist alliance aimed at stopping the rise of the working class. Their war policies of relentless military aggression threatened direct military attacks, including nuclear ones, against countries that were building socialism. This was answered in May 1955 with the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Warsaw.
NATO was responsible for criminal attacks against the communists in its member states and was the center of counter-guerrilla organizations. It was an instrument that facilitated the expansionist goals of imperialism, through the manipulation and political restoration of other countries according to the interests of those who were at the top of the hierarchy and creating political space for counter-revolutionary ideas.
Another disastrous result of its creation was the arms race, which on the one hand created a great new market for the accumulation of capital for monopolies and, on the other hand, meant a severe blow to socialism on the part of capitalism, since he was forced to allocate large resources that could have improved the living conditions of the working class and workers more rapidly.
Imperialism is intensifying its aggressions in Ukraine, the Balkans, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the world. The United States uses NATO membership as a tool to align countries like Brazil and Colombia, where its collaborators are in power, in its policies, re-establishing its hegemony in Latin America. On the other hand, NATO favors incitement to nationalism as a means to increase the exploitation of the Balkan people. Furthermore, initiatives are being undertaken in the Middle East in order to create a blockade of Arab states against Iran, creating an exfoliation that is at the service of capital.
The resolution to increase the "defense costs" approved at the latest NATO summit is a clear imposition on all member states to increase the budget for their war machines through budget cuts to the primary popular needs. NATO is putting humanity's future in grave danger by accelerating the nuclear arms race.
On the other hand, the crisis of the capitalist-imperialist system becomes deeper and the manifestation of this crisis can be seen in the weakening of the imperialist alliances, in the aims pursued by the imperialist states in Europe and in the deterioration of the capacity of persuasion of capitalism on people. The PESCO agreement signed by EU member states to create their own war machine under the guise of "security and defense" and the frequent reference to a European army is a manifestation of this crisis. However, the alternative to NATO cannot be another capitalist military alliance, another capitalist "pole" or "savior", neither in Europe nor in other regions. The only way to peace against the growing aggression of capitalism is socialism, the brotherhood of the working classes.
NATO has been an active war organization for seventy years. The criminal list of these seventy years is full of lies, extortion, murder and massacres. There is only one thing to say on its seventieth anniversary: ​​NATO must be destroyed! Humanity must eliminate the arch-enemy of peace and security in the world, imperialism and its organizations like NATO, PESCO and the EU. For this reason, the struggle against NATO's counter-revolutionary organization can never be absent from the communist agenda. We, as members of the communist and workers' parties of the European Communist Initiative, will continue to fight to close all the military bases of NATO, throw out NATO and all its affiliates from our countries and geographical areas. We will continue to fight together to destroy this criminal organization before it still causes damage. We will continue to organize ourselves for the victory of socialism-communism.
Down with imperialism!
Long live socialism!
The ICE Secretariat

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