July 22, 2019

Without goods and money by YURI MISHUTKIN in rabkor july 2019

Life without goods and money is not utopia, but the possibility, if only the necessary conditions arise. In themselves, goods and money express the level of development of the productive forces, and the consequence of such commodity-money relations is enrichment. And although those who get richer are interested in the immutability of the existing social relations, it is in the desire to enrich themselves that they create the basis for communism. 
The apologists of capitalism are trying to convince the opposite, of the immutability of social relations and the impossibility of the utopian economy without goods and money.
- Without a product you have to do everything yourself! 
- A product is a product of labor that is exchanged in order to compare labor costs. When one quantity of grain is exchanged for another quantity of metal, then it can be said that the same amount of labor is expended in given quantities of grain and metal. When it comes to non-commodity relations, it is understood that the product of labor is not exchanged, but this does not mean that a person will have to extract everything himself. Just the exchange will lose its need, and with it the goods will disappear.
The exchange itself is necessary for private property, when there are many industries unrelated to each other. To match their products and need an exchange. If all production is combined, then within a single production, it will be possible to take into account costs and needs without an exchange of goods. Of course, we will not be able to know what kind of coat a person wants, but we can know how much social labor needs to be spent on fabric production and tailoring, so that everyone has a coat, this is the principle of uniform accounting.
At the same time, however, there should be a sufficiently large number of production arisen through the exchange of goods, so that there was something to socialize. When there is a large number of productions, the costs of the exchange of goods will exceed the potential benefit, that is, the more goods private enterprises produce, the slower the goods are sold.
- Without a market exchange, there will be no fair distribution of things! 
- The market itself does not so much produce goods for consumption, as many goods for expansion of production. For capitalism, surplus value is necessary, therefore, paying minimum labor for the workers, the entrepreneur increases capital, expands production, and the production of goods grows. But these goods are consumed not by people, but by capital for their expansion, which has its historical limits. Sooner or later, capital will reach such limits that production will suffice for everyone, that is, justice exists outside market relations.
Equitable distribution is not possible with the market. After all, injustice occurs when there is a shortage of goods. And the market therefore exists because there are few goods and they need to be distributed among a large number of applicants. Whatever system we choose, with a shortage of goods there will always be injustice. With the same government distribution, the deficit creates corruption (more precisely, cronyism) and abuse of office.
- Banning the market will not bring anything good! 
- No one is going to ban the market. The market as a phenomenon, the same as bad weather, but no one is going to ban hurricanes. We learn nature not to control hurricanes, but to protect against them. It is impossible to ban the market, but it can be studied to understand how we can organize social work so that the elements of the market do not destroy society. The market dies not so much as this element ceases to influence society.
- Without money, people will not be good! 
- Money is a medium of exchange: a liquid commodity for which everyone is ready to exchange. When the state puts money into circulation, it is understood that revenue growth will follow. But government revenues are not the amount of taxes collected, but the volume of trade, that is, new products are formed on the market that have their own value. That is why people use money, they expect their purchasing power to grow. Waiting for deflation, the depreciation of the goods: the amount of goods has become so much that the sense of money is lost.
Under capitalism, money is savings, that is, the reproduction of capital. If the money will depreciate, then the capital will bring less profit. To prevent a drop in the rate of profit, inflation occurs, devalues ​​the labor force. Workers nominally increase wages, but in reality they consume the same amount of goods. Therefore, money is not a public good, but a profit.
- Without money, the economy will develop slowly! 
- When social production, without money, a decrease in consumption indicates where it is not necessary to spend more social labor. There will be a systematic implementation and full use of social labor.
No one is going to cancel or prohibit money, or even replace it with something else. With the increase in the number of goods, the cost of cash flow will exceed the estimated losses in a cashless relationship. We produce so much product that if someone uses something more than what is supposed to be, then it will still be cheaper to reproduce it in the product than in the money relations that control and normalize consumption.
But since under capitalism value is only profit, expressing in the increase of production capacity, overproduction occurs. Indeed, for the growth of the economy requires the full realization of goods. If during the market price rises and indicates a profitable investment, it does not guarantee the full realization of the goods. Therefore, the abrupt development of capitalism is in fact slow.
- Free will lead to waste! 
- With free products, on the contrary, savings will be achieved. After all, they steal products because they are scarce and can be resold. When products are regularly shipped, theft or excessive hoarding will lose its meaning. After all, a person can satisfy his needs at any time. When free of charge, the costs will be expressed in physical fatigue: why recruit a lot and carry heavy, if at any time we can take what is necessary.
Wasting is not a consequence of the fact that there are many things, but on the contrary, arises due to limited resources. When goods in limited quantities, they must be stockpiled, which consequently leads to losses during storage. After all, when storing goods is required to produce goods to save the goods.
- If everything is free, people will be lazy, and then there will again be a shortage of goods! 
“With the development of the productive forces, the result of labor increasingly depends on the technical development of the tools of labor.” The growth of the surplus product is increasingly determined by the technical equipment of production, and not by individual human efforts. If the machine produces a certain amount of product per hour, then regardless of the qualities of a person, the machine can no longer produce. In order to increase the output, it is necessary to improve the machine, not the person.
Laziness and hard work of man were of importance with primitive hand tools, where human physical strength was the main source of energy for the means of production. Therefore, coercion (fear of hunger, punishment) and economic encouragement (increase in consumption) are the main incentives for working in a primitive society.
- People will not want to work if everything is free! 
“When products of labor are enough to distribute them for free, human labor of necessity will become an opportunity.” Work will be a labor contribution. From the labor contribution to social production, we get more benefits than from work, when everyone individually tries to survive.
But we make a labor contribution not for the sake of free products, but for the sake of free time. The incentive to improve work is not to feed oneself, but to have time to meet needs. The faster we accomplish the necessary social work, the more we will have free time.
Under capitalism, work is a necessity. A person has to work more and more to feed himself, and he does not have time to meet his needs. Due to lack of time to meet consumer needs, the price consumed increases. Man has to work for the sake of work.
- Then you need to wait until capitalism evolves into communism! 
- Capitalism creates only a basis, the conditions from which communism can arise. From the production of a large number of bricks, we all still do not have housing, because we still need to organize the construction of these bricks. But without a sufficient number of bricks, regardless of our organization, there will be no house. Communism does not follow from capitalism if we do not organize it as a new society on the basis of the achievements of capitalist production. Because capitalism is an abundance of goods, and communism is an abundance of products of labor.
We can organize through political struggle. Do not confuse the socialist power - the organization of labor, with the bourgeois power - coercion to work.

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