Reposted from
The Marxist Leninist of January 22, 2012
The following book review by Yuri Yemelianov was originally titled “The Quest for the Truth About Stalin: About the book by Yuri Zhukov ‘Inoi Stalin’ (‘Different Stalin’)“:
The collapse of the socialist order in the Soviet Union and some other countries in Europe, the disintegration of the socialist bloc and the USSR were preceded by active Anti-Soviet propaganda. This propaganda was sponsored by the West and organised by the local Fifth Columns (in the USSR the most influential Fifth Columnists were such leaders of the CPSU as M. Gorbachev, A. Yakovlev, B. Yeltsin and others). The goal of the propaganda was to portray capitalism as a social system of freedom and respect for human rights and to depict socialism as a system of terror, human deprivation and misery. During the end of the 80’s and beginning of the 90’s many popular journals and magazines of the USSR and all TV channels spread lies about socialism and its history. The greatest distortions concerned Stalin’s period of the Soviet history. Using the false interpretations of the Soviet history made by N.S. Khrushchev at the XX CPSU Congress (1956) the enemies of Socialism bitterly attacked Stalin and his policies. Almost all the Soviet history was limited to the story of mass arrests and executions of 1937-1938. At the same time Stalin and his supporters were made responsible for gross violations of law, arrests and executions of many innocent people.
Now 15
years after the fall of socialism in Europe the vast majority of the peoples of
the former socialist countries became aware of the evils of capitalism and as a
result mass nostalgia for the lost advantages of socialism develops. It makes
the present capitalist rulers of Russia and other former socialist countries
renew their anti-socialist and anti-communist propaganda efforts. As the
Anti-Soviet propaganda continues Stalin remains its central target and the
object of fantastic lies. The authors of ‘documentary’ films shown over TV
speak about 100 million people killed on Stalin’s orders. (The whole
population of the USSR was about 200 million at the time of Stalin’s death and
it is a mystery how a country so much weakened by arrests and executions could
win over Nazi Germany and its allies.) The hackneyed phrases about
‘Stalin’s reprisals’ and ‘Stalin’s camps’ are in everyday use in the modern
Russian political jargon.
the experiences of the last 15 years have made many people in Russia to be more
distrustful of the official propaganda. Despite the strong pressure of the
authorities, museums and monuments dedicated to Stalin appeared in one town
after another all over Russia. More and more authors write articles and books
in which they refute official lies about the Soviet past and give tribute to
Not all
of these authors are Marxists. But the experience of the collapse of their
country made them search for true explanations of Russia’s history.
Their acquaintance with the real facts of history and their professional
integrity have made them refute the falsehoods of official propaganda and
bring to life new facts about the Soviet society, its development and its
leaders. One of such authors is Yuri Zhukov. His book ‘Different Stalin’
(‘Inoi Stalin’, Moscow, 2003) caused a real sensation among all those who
are interested in Soviet history.
The title
of the book is somewhat misleading. Zhukov does not try to probe deeply into
Stalin’s personality and his book does not represent Stalin’s biography. The
book covers only 5 years of Stalin’s political activity. As it is stated in its
subtitle, the book is devoted to the political reforms of the USSR in the
middle of the 30’s sponsored by Stalin.
and those who repeated his false accusations tried to make people believe that
the arrests and executions of many Party members in 1937-1938 were caused by
the arbitrary methods of Stalin or his persecution mania. They claimed that no
Communist party officials participated in subversive activity against the
Soviet state and that there were no plots against the Soviet governments in the
pre-war time whatsoever.
Yuri Zhukov does not make a detailed analysis of the subversive activities
against the Soviet Government in the 30’s he shows in his book that the
struggle of the Secretary of the USSR Central Executive Committee of the USSR
A. Yenukidze against J. Stalin eventually led him
to organise a plot in order to overthrow the Soviet government. Among
the participants in this plot were the People’s Commissar for Internal
Affairs (the chief of the USSR NKVD) N. Yagoda and those who
were supposed to provide the security of the Kremlin.
according to Khrushchev Stalin together with his Politburo colleagues (V.
Molotov, K. Voroshilov, L. Kaganovich) were the arch-enemies of democratic
procedures, Yuri Zhukov presents quite adifferent picture: Stalin
brought forth a programme of democratisation of the Soviet
life, with Molotov, Voroshilov and Kaganovich wholly supporting
Stalin in his initiatives, while Yenukidze and many other Party officials
were strongly opposed to Stalin’s democratic reforms.
correctly pointing out the democratic principles of Stalin’s political reforms,
Yuri Zhukov fails to show that they organically corresponded to the democratic
nature of the Communist ideology and resulted from the natural development of
the Soviet political life. While correctly reminding us of the attempts of the
Soviet Government to organise a united international front against
Hitler before the Second World War Yuri Zhukov tries to explain the political
reforms inside the USSR by the foreign political goals of Stalin. According to
Zhukov it appears that in order to consolidate the struggle against Hitler
Stalin tried to build political life in the Soviet Union along the lines of
bourgeois Western democracies. At the same time Zhukov considers
that Yenukidze’s opposition to these reforms was caused by his
fidelity to the ideals of communism and the world communist revolution and this
caused his animosity both towards establishing closer political relations with
the Western bourgeois democracies before the War and democratic reforms of
avoids dwelling on the democratic principles of communism and therefore
distorts the reason why Yenukidze and others opposed Stalin’s
reforms. Though A. Yenukidze and others supported Stalin in his
struggle against opposition in the Party in the 20’s they eventually
established alliance with the Trotskyites. This alliance developed due to the
growing conflict between their personal interests and the goals of
socialist development. Yenukidze’s opposition reflected curtain
unhealthy tendencies which were spread among many Party and Soviet officials at
that time.
It must
be said that by the middle of the 30’s most of the Party and Soviet officials occupied
their ruling posts since 1917-1918. At that time the Communist Party lacked
educated members and many of the Party functionaries had an insufficient
general and political education. Besides their first years of
administrative jobs coincided with the Civil War. During these years they
grew accustomed to resort freely in their work to military coercion rather than
political arguments. This also explained to a great deal the excesses
of collectivisation of 1929-1930. The much needed collectivisation of
individual peasant farms turned into a veritable military campaign and many
local first secretaries resorted to violence in order to make peasants join
collective farms. In March 1930 Stalin censured these Party functionaries and
wrote that they suffer ‘giddiness because of successes’ of the Soviet socialist
Some of
the Party functionaries were accustomed to their high administrative posts and
many of them did their best to retain them at all costs. Many Party committees
turned into hotbeds of intrigues and battlegrounds between politicians fighting
for power. The competing groups accused each other of various ideological
deviations. The purges which were periodically conducted in the Party in order
to get rid of corrupt members were used by many of the first secretaries in
order to expel from the Party those whom they consider to be their personal
Zhukov reminds that Stalin criticised the first secretaries of
republican, regional and local organizations for creating ‘personal clans’, consisting
of people who were devoted to them and flattered them. Stalin also said that
whenever these party leaders get new appointments to other republics and
provinces, they transfer ‘their personal clans’ with them.
At the
same time Stalin said that the Party purges of 1935-1936 resulted in the
expulsion of many Party members who were not guilty of any deviations from the
Party line. Stalin pointed out that a number of those expelled from the Party
by far exceeded the total quantity of those who supported Trotsky, Zinoviev and
other leaders of opposition groups. He accused these Party leaders of the
high-handed treatment of ordinary Party members and claimed that the purges
only caused the anger of those expelled from the Party.
Zhukov also quotes the statement made by V. M. Molotov at the June (1937)
plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee: ‘Lately comrade Stalin said
several times that our old way of evaluating people is completely insufficient.
A person may have a pre-revolutionary experience of Party membership. Then he
has a good quality of having participated in the October revolution. He
performed well in the Civil War. He fought against Trotskyites and the
Rightists… But this is not sufficient. At the present moment we need… that the
Party leaders are able to find appropriate understanding of people’s needs, to
move ahead new people instead of those who have turned into bureaucrats”.
feared that the bureaucratisation of the Party may lead to its
downfall. In 1937 he compared Soviet communists with Antaeus from the
Greek mythology whose strength was invincible so long as he remained in contact
with his mother Earth. Stalin said that until Communists ‘remain in contact
with their mother — the people, who gave them birth, nourished and educated
them, they have all the chances to remain invincible’. These words implied that
when the Communists lose their contact with the people they may lose their
strength and may be overwhelmed.
partly ignoring and partly distorting profound political and ideological issues
behind the opposition of Party officials, Yuri Zhukov is quite right in stating
that the struggle of Stalin and his opponents developed over the draft of the
new Constitution of the USSR, which was worked at in 1935-1936, especially over
the new order of elections.
From 1918
to 1936 deputies of local Soviets were elected by open voting at people’s
assemblies. The local Soviets elected deputies to the provincial Soviets at
open sessions. They in turn elected Republican Soviets, which elected the USSR
Supreme Soviet. The representation of the townspeople was five times bigger
than that of the villagers. Besides, all representatives of former exploiting
classes as well as priests were banned from voting.
The new
election system established direct and proportionate election with secret
voting. The limitations put on former representatives of exploiting classes and
priests were lifted. Using a Russian proverb (‘If you are afraid of wolves, you
need not go to the forest’), Stalin mocked at attempts to preserve these
limitations. At the All-Union Congress of the Soviets in November 1936 Stalin
said: ‘First, not all former kulaks, white guardsmen and priests are alien to
the Soviet power. Second, if people somewhere choose persons alien to the
Soviet power, it would just mean that our propaganda work is good for nothing
and we deserved such a shame. But if our propaganda develops in the true
Bolshevik manner, then people would not let alien people to the supreme
as Yuri Zhukov especially stresses, Stalin with the support of Molotov,
Voroshilov, Kaganovich and others wanted to have elections on
alternative basis. In the draft of the ballot for the first election to the
USSR Supreme Soviet there were mentioned several candidates for one seat in the
Zhukov correctly points out that changes in the election system to the Soviets
were supplemented by Stalin’s proposals of vast changes in the Party leading
personnel. Mentioning the speech of Stalin at the February-March (1937) plenary
meeting of the Party Central Committee, Yuri Zhukov writes about the profound
dissatisfaction of Stalin with the political and
personal behaviour of many Party officials.
After the
Moscow trials of August 1936 and January 1937, which revealed many cases of
sabotage, after uncovering the Yenukidze plot in February 1937,
Stalin and other Soviet leaders became convinced that many of the Party
functionaries were so much engrossed in personal feuds that they did not care
to pay attention to the activities of the Anti-Soviet plotters. Stalin came to
the conclusion that it is necessary to re-educate the Party functionaries. In
March 1937 at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee Stalin
suggested that all Party secretaries from the highest to the lowest level (over
100 thousand functionaries) should attend courses of political education.
At the
same time Stalin suggested that while the first secretaries study at such
courses their jobs should be filled by other Party members. By the middle of
30’s due to the fast growth of the Soviet education the number of Party members
who were University graduates immensely increased. After graduating from
universities and other high education establishments these Party members
acquired ample experience of work at the newly built Soviet plants. They
actively participated in the socialist construction and were not involved in
the intrigues of the Party provincial and Republican committees. Stalin,
Molotov and others perceived these people as a fast growing reserve for the
Party leadership.
proposals were meant to change drastically the composition of the Party
leadership in the spirit of the new Soviet constitution. The old leadership
would get better political and general training. At the same time many of the
older officials would be replaced by persons with better education and
sufficient experience of work at the modern enterprises.
Zhukov brings many facts to show that
while Yenukidze, Yagoda and others resorted to secret plotting,
many of the Republican and provincial Party leaders began silent but active
sabotage of Stalin’s reforms. Citing articles written by the first Secretary of
the Transcaucasus Party organisation L. P. Beria and by the
first Secretary of the Moscow Party N.S. Khrushchev, Yuri Zhukov shows that the
leading party functionaries either ignored the new Constitution and the
elections according to the new system, or expressed exaggerated fears that
class enemies may use the elections according to the principles of the new
Constitution in order to become deputies to the USSR Supreme Soviet.
Zhukov asserts that the opposition of the first secretaries of republics and
provinces to the new Constitution was caused by their fears of losing their
seats in the Soviets during the elections. Many peasants (and not only kulaks)
remembered the excesses of collectivisation and they could vote
against those who in 1929-1930 tried to overfulfil plans
of collectivisation at all costs disregarding attitudes of peasants.
Yuri Zhukov correctly points out that if such Party secretaries failed to be
elected to the Soviets, their positions as Party leaders might be questioned as
to Yuri Zhukov the major effort to undermine the democratic reforms urged by
Stalin, Molotov and others was undertaken by the alternate member of Politburo
and the first Secretary of the Western Siberian province Party organization
R.I. Eikhe. At the end of June 1937 he presented a memorandum to the
Politburo with proposals which ran counter to Stalin’s political
reforms. Though the text of the memorandum is not found, there is ample
evidence of its existence in allusions and decisions taken on the basis of the
to Yuri Zhukov, R.I. Eikhe asserted that there are in Western Siberia
many exiled former kulaks who planned to organise a
counter-revolutionary uprising. Eikhe asked the Party Central
Committee for a sanction to form a so called ‘troika’ composed of the Attorney
of the province, the provincial chief of the NKVD and Eikhe himself.
The ‘troika’ should have extraordinary powers in order to investigate the
counter-revolutionary activities and take judicial decisions concerning the
Zhukov compares the Eikhe memorandum with ‘a small stone that causes
an awful avalanche’. It was soon followed by a decision of Politburo of July 2
which supported the contention that many former kulaks and ordinary criminals,
who returned to their original places of residence after their prison terms
expired, launched counterrevolutionary activities. The decision claimed that
these people ‘are major instigators of Anti-Soviet activities and sabotage acts
in collective and Soviet farms, as well as at transport and several branches of
industry’. The decision demanded that the most active instigators of
Anti-Soviet activities and sabotage should be immediately arrested and shot,
while less active enemies should be exiled. The decision demanded that in five
days’ time the provincial party leaders should send to the Party Central
Committee lists of ‘troikas’, number of persons to be arrested and shot, number
of persons to be arrested and exiled.
Why did
such a radical change in the position of Stalin and other members of Politburo
take place? Yuri Zhukov contends that this occurred due to a strong pressure
put by a big number of the first secretaries upon Stalin. Having mentioned a
number of visits paid to Stalin and Molotov by the leading provincial Party
functionaries who shared the position taken by Eikhe, Zhukov suggests that
they presented a veritable ultimatum to Stalin, Molotov and others.
In order
to understand why Stalin, Molotov and other Politburo members changed their
policy, one should also take into account some facts which are mentioned in
Zhukov’s book, but briefly. First of all one should bear in mind the exposure
of Marshal Tukhachevsky’s plot which took place in May. The plotters
had connections with the German generals and planned a coup d’etat. While
the majority of the participants of the plot were military persons, there were
several civil members of the Party Central Committee among them. The People’s
Commissar for Inner Affairs (chief of NKVD after the dismissal of G.Yagoda)
N.I. Yezhov made a report at the June plenary meeting of the Party
Central Committee asking their members for permission to arrest 11 full members
and 14 alternate members of the Central Committee involved in
the Tukhachevsky plot.
For some
reason Yuri Zhukov does not take into account the facts narrated in a book
written by Vladimir Pyatnitsky ‘The Plot against Stalin’, which is
specifically dedicated to the June (1937) plenary meeting of the Party Central
Committee. Though the author of this book attacks Stalin,
he recognises that during this plenary meeting there were a number of
speeches made against prolonging the extraordinary powers of the NKVD
and Yezhov. An especially vehement protest was made by
I.А. Pyatnitsky (the father of the author) who was the chief of the
Political-administrative department of the Party Central Committee and for a
long time was the secretary of the Central Executive Committee
of Comintern.
tried to come to terms with Pyatnitsky during the plenary meeting.
After Pyatnitsky’s speech an interval was announced. Molotov,
Voroshilov and Kaganovich talked to I.А. Pyatnitsky and
said that Stalin believed in his personal honesty and values, his talent as a
good organiser and administrator. They asked Pyatnitsky to
retract his statement. But Pyatnitsky was adamant. Afterwards 15
other Central Committee members supported Pyatnitsky and demanded the
cessation of the extraordinary powers of the NKVD and Yezhov.
At this
time one of the Central Committee members Filatov told Stalin that
the opposition of Pyatnitsky and others to NKVD was a result of the
decision reached at a secret meeting at Pyatnitsky’s apartment. Filatov was
the only participant of this meeting who informed Stalin about it. Just a month
ago in May Stalin got informed about the Tukhachevsky plot exposed by
NKVD. Now he learned about a secret meeting attended by dozens of Central
Committee members who tried to stop further investigations by NKVD.
when Eikhe and other Central Committee members came to Stalin and
Molotov with requests not to curb NKVD activities but increase them though
redirecting them against former kulaks Stalin and his closest colleagues had a
reason to suppose that these suggestions came from quite an opposite quarter.
In reality Stalin faced opposition to his policy on two fronts.
While Pyatnitsky and others demanded the end to arrests of high functionaries
involved in anti-government plots and blamed NKVD of
arbitrariness, Eikhe and others praised the NKVD but just wanted to
direct it to other goals.
One may
suppose that at that time N.I. Yezhov was not quite sure of his
position. As a chief of the Political-administrative department of the
Party Central Committee Pyatnitsky controlled the
NKVD.Yezhov knew that Stalin
trusted Pyatnitsky. Yezhov might have feared that he might lose
his position as the chief of NKVD if Pyatnitsky and his supporters
would prevail. Therefore Yezhov joined with Eikheand others.
Zhukov is quite right in supposing that ‘Yezhov easily came to terms
with Eikhe, many first secretaries and agreed with the necessity as soon
as possible to do away with the those who were certain to vote
against them’.
Stalin and his staunch supporters found themselves opposed not only
by the influential groups constituting the majority of the Central Committee
members but also by the NKVD armed with extraordinary powers. This may explain why
Stalin and others made a sudden turn in their policies.
as Zhukov states, the first secretaries presented their requests for the exile
and executions of underground counter-revolutionaries which they promised to
discover in their provinces and republics. Zhukov points out that ‘the most
blood-thirsty turned out to be two persons — R.I. Eikhe, who declared his
intention to shoot 10,800 inhabitants of Western Siberia… and N.S. Khrushchev,
who suspiciously quickly managed to find and count in Moscow province 41,305
former kulaks and criminals and then insist on their expulsion and execution’.
It is noteworthy that in his report at the XX Party Congress Khrushchev said
not a word either about the Eikhe memorandum, or about the requests
for exiles and executions filed by Eikhe and himself. Instead
Khrushchev praised Eikhe and depicted him as an innocent victim of
Stalin’s terror.
that Stalin and his closest colleagues temporarily lost control over the
situation, Zhukov points out that many of the active supporters of Stalin in
his democratisation reforms (Y.A. Yakovlev, B.M. Tal,
A.I. Stetzky) lost their jobs and then were arrested. It is clear that
Stalin was unable to defend some of his supporters. There is other evidence
that Yezhov did not want to limit himself to executions of smaller
figures among Stalin supporters. Later, when Yezhov was arrested
papers were found in his personal safe which he collected in order to prepare
‘a case’ against Stalin.
At the
same time Yezhov, Eikhe and others could not risk overthrowing
Stalin and his supporters. The name of Stalin was the very embodiment of
socialism. The popularity of Molotov, Voroshilov andKaganovich was also
great. Many cities, factories, collective farms were named after them. Yezhov and
others covered their opposition to Stalin by constant flattery and statements
of fidelity to him. Yezhoveven proposed to name Moscow after Stalin and to
call it Stalindar. The proposal was resolutely rejected by Stalin.
the attempt of Eikhe and others to divert NKVD activities from
investigations of plots among the Party functionaries did not stop their
arrests. Getting permission to uncover Anti-Soviet counterrevolutionary plots,
some of the first secretaries hastened to demand arrests of their rivals for
high posts. Thus the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Uzbekistan
Communist Party A.I.Ikramov asked the Politburo on June 24 1937 to replace
the Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of Uzbekistan Faizulla Hodzhaev ‘for
his counterrevolutionary connections’. Later Hodzhaevwas arrested.
the supporters of Hodzhaev managed to incriminate Ikramov. As
Zhukov points out Ikramov himself was expelled from the Party in
September 1937 and then arrested. In March 1938 bothHodzhaev and Ikramov were
executed on the accusations of high treason and espionage during the Moscow
rivalries were settled in 1937 in the similar manner, as many of the Party
functionaries tried to do away with those who might successfully compete with
them for the vacancies in the Party and Soviet hierarchy. Soon the campaign of
false accusations spread all over the country. Many people slandered their
colleagues and they were arrested by the NKVD. This period of mass violations
of law was later called the ‘Yezhovshina’. It is obvious that the illegal
practices unleashed initially by a number of the Party functionaries ran
counter to the principles advocated by Stalin and his policy
of democratisation. This allows Yuri Zhukov to make a conclusion that ‘the
attempt of Stalin to reform the political system of the Soviet Union resulted
in a complete fiasco’.
categorical statement by Yuri Zhukov might be contradicted. First, despite
stubborn opposition by the influential body of the Party functionaries the
Stalin Constitution was adopted and the first election to the USSR Supreme
Soviet was conducted in a new way (direct, equal, secret). Second, Stalin with
the support of many Communists gradually began to restore legality, which was
violated by the provincial secretaries and NKVD. In January 1938 the plenary
meeting of the Party Central Committee condemned the ‘formalistic and
bureaucratic approach to the appeals of people expelled from the All-Union
Communist Party’ and demanded to take resolute measures in order to stop such
practice. The decision of the Central Committee paid attention to a number of
arbitrary expulsions of Party members in the second half of 1937. The decision
proclaimed a return to the principles advocated by Stalin in March 1937 at the
plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.
the decision put all the blame for the violations of legal norms on the local
Party functionaries, the position of Yezhov began to weaken. In
August 1938 the Politburo began investigating the work of NKVD. In November
1938 Yezhov lost the post of chief of NKVD. In April 1939 he was
arrested and accused of gross violations of legal norms. Eikhe and
other secretaries who were active in launching a campaign of exiles and
executions were also arrested.
At the
same time many thousands people arrested during the Yezhovshina were
released. Among them was a number of Soviet generals, including
K.K. Rokossovsky, who played an important part in the Great Patriotic War.
the heavy losses inflicted by the Yezhovshina, the Soviet Union was not
fatally weakened by it. First, among those arrested and executed in 1937-1938
were real spies and enemies of socialism. Unlike the countries of Western
Europe the USSR proved to be free from the ‘Fifth Column’ which let Hitler win
victories. German generals complained during the first months of the war that
they lacked true information about the Red Army and the
Soviet defence industry as they did not have sufficient numbers of
their agents inside the USSR. With the exception of
general Vlasov who surrendered to the Germans in 1942 and later
collaborated with them, Hitler failed to find support among the high ranking
Soviet ruling body.
many of career-minded politicians who cared only for their power lost their
jobs, freedom and lives during the inner strife of 1937-1938. Their jobs were
eventually taken by others. Yuri Zhukovrecognises that one of the results
of the events of 1937-1938 was the emergence at the top Soviet leadership of
persons who were better educated and had better experience in modern economy.
The jobs of marshals and officers involved in the Tukhachevsky plot
were taken by younger officers who had better military education. The new Party
functionaries who replaced those arrested in 1937-1938 were sincerely devoted
to the cause of communism and were better educated politically unlike many of
older functionaries. The new leadership of the Party, Soviet economy and the
Red Army proved its worth during the Great Patriotic War.
And the
last, but not the least consequence of the events of 30’s was the consolidation
of the Soviet people around Stalin and his policies. It should be noted that
the mass reprisals of the 30’s touched mostly the social strata which
constituted only a minority of the Soviet people. At the same time the adoption
of the Stalin Constitution which proclaimed the principles of socialist
democracy and embodied the achievements of socialist construction, made most of
the Soviet people realise the obvious advantages of the new socialist
order. The devotion of the Soviet people to this order was demonstrated by its
heroic struggle during the Great Patriotic War.
Yet Yuri
Zhukov is correct in pointing out that in 1937-1938 Stalin failed to implement
some of the essential features of his political reforms. Zhukov specifically
mentions the fact that due to the stubborn opposition of many Party
functionaries in 1937 Stalin had to forsake his plan of conducting elections
with alternative candidates. The only relic of Stalin’s idea was an inscription
at the top of every ballot at each election held in the Soviet Union until it
ceased to exist in 1991 which said: ‘Leave in the ballot the name of ONE
candidate, for whom you vote, striking out all the rest’. Though in practice
the inscription did not make sense, as during these elections there was just
ONE candidate, the inscription reminded that in principle the voters should
have a choice out of a number of candidates.
fails to mention also an obvious fact that Stalin’s plan of political education
of Party functionaries which he unveiled in March 1937 also failed to
be materialised. Perhaps the difficulties of the pre-war period, the war
and later the cold war did not allow Stalin to organise the education
of all acting Party functionaries. As a result many important posts were still
occupied by functionaries who lacked appropriate political and general
education. Among them were such persons like N.S. Khrushchev and L.P. Beria.
Initially they silently sabotaged Stalin’s reforms. Then they were active in
the Yezhovshina. But they were quick-witted enough to see the change in
the political climate and they became active in fighting Yezhov and
his supporters. Though Stalin was aware of their low level of general and
political education and their other faults he valued their energies. Both
Khrushchev and Beria continued to occupy important jobs.
Stalin constantly tried to move forward persons who were whole-heartedly
devoted to the cause of communism, had a good education and experience in
practical work, it seems that he understood the shortcomings of the existing
political leadership of the Soviet Union. During the XIX Congress of the CPSU
Stalin made another effort to change the composition of the high ranks of the
Party. He suggested the enlargement of the body of the newly created Presidium
of the CPSU Central Committee by recruiting to it a number of outstanding
leaders of the Party provinces, organisers of economic production and
theoreticians. In the first months of 1953 Stalin prepared a document in which
he suggested that he would resign from the post of the Chairman of the USSR
Council of Ministers and this job would be taken by the former first secretary
of Byelorussian Communist party and former chief of the General headquarters of
the USSR partisan movement during the War P.K. Ponomarenko.
It is
known that L.P. Beria and N.S. Khrushchev were bitter enemies
of Ponomarenko since the War years. Also the appointment
of Ponomarenko might signify that other changes should soon to
follow. The sudden illness and then death of Stalin later caused many
suspicions. It was claimed that Stalin was poisoned by his colleagues. At least
it is clear that Beria, Malenkov and Khrushchev who visited Stalin after he was
found lying unconscious on the floor in his residence, did not even call a
physician to examine him. Three years after Stalin’s death Khrushchev began his
Anti-Stalin campaign.
faults of the Soviet way of selecting persons for ruling positions became
evident during the 11 years when N.S. Khrushchev occupied the job of the First
Secretary of the Party Central Committee. These were the years which became
notorious for a number of gross mistakes in ideology, economic and political
spheres as well as in the foreign policy of the USSR. Though Khrushchev was
dismissed by the unanimous vote of the Party Central Committee in October 1964,
there was nothing done to modify the political system of the USSR and CPSU. The
subsequent events showed that the political system of the CPSU and the USSR did
not prevent coming to power such traitors of communism and their own country
like Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Yeltsin. It is quite probable that if
Stalin and his supporters had managed to implement the political reforms the
USSR might have had a better system of selecting their political leaders and
thus prevent Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others from coming to power.
It is
also obvious that though Yuri Zhukov does not share the communist ideology, he,
like a true Russian patriot, is sorry that Stalin’s political reforms were not
completed. Though Yuri Zhukov recognises that his quest for true
explanations of the events of 30’s in the USSR is incomplete as many documents
related to the period are still kept secret or were destroyed on the orders by
Khrushchev, his book demonstrates the falsehood of fabrications made by
Khrushchev and his followers about the events of 1937-1938. With all its
obvious faults and shortcomings Zhukov’s book made a new and important inroad
into the study of the Soviet history.
Yuri Yemelianov is
the author of ‘Notes on Bukharin: Revolution, History, Personality’, Moscow,
1989; ‘Stalin’ (Two Volumes), Moscow, 2002; and ‘Khrushchev’ (Two Volumes),
Moscow, 2005, all in Russian.