October 06, 2009

Obama has been in Office long Enough to see he will fall into Hell in Afghanistan! 82 Arrested in front of White House, Oct 06, 09

from: gravatar.comwww.opednews.com/articles/
by hterrya

...people began to show up to McPherson Square at 9:15 am. They put on orange jumpsuits and held up big signs of Gonzales, Cheney, and Bush. The press came over to talk to them and the crowd began to grow. Activists lined up around a fountain in the square to give the press a photo opportunity. (Later) They stood right outside the White House gate (and forced the White House press corps to find another way to get into a press briefing). The group chanted "Healthcare Not Warfare" and other slogans. The police wound up chasing them off the sidewalk. The press were interested in the 75 or more protesters who had gathered outside the gate. They were turning and looking to hear who was shouting "Bring the Troops Home", "Close Gitmo", etc. As noon approached, the police became more and more intrusive. David Swanson was shouting about First Amendment rights and freedom of speech on a bullhorn as the crowd grew to somewhere between 200 and 300 people.
tags: afghanistan, peace demonstrations

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