March 21, 2010

See William Z Foster on Browderism, History of The CPUS, p.416, By: Andrew Taylor, March 21, 2010

The current cpusa leadership's statements essentially reflect a Social Democratic political line, and their Statements reduce the political role of the working class to the dictate of the bourgeoisie. (See William Z Foster on Browderism, History of The CPUS, p.416)(1). But one must clarify. History never simply repeats itself.

While Earl Browder's rightward ideological deviation following on from Tehran threw a powerful, mass-based US Communist Party into confusion at the moment of the triumphal defeat of Fascism in 1945, Sam Webb's rightward forced march of the party has led a bewildered, post-Soviet era cpusa into a fantastic desert mirage of possessing an honoured place at a mythopoeic Obama welcome-table of "constructive" "peoples movement" partners.... Webb's loyalty is only to a new in-process made-in-USA "socialism" peopled by luminaries such as Danny Rubin and Erwin Marquit. Be his soul with the avant-garde! Let the whole tribe supporting "models of socialism imported from the 20th century" be anathema! Begone Comintern, the Builders of the C.I.O, Gus Hall, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Wm Z Foster, Tim Buck, Paul Robeson, Maurice Thorez and Betty Gannett! Did not each one praise Lenin and Stalin?

Sam Webb is a serious man. He will have none of it...

Marx wrote in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, "Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce..."

Works cited:
(1)William Z. Foster, History of the Communist Party of the United States of America. New York: International Publishers, 1952.
(2)Chapter One, first line, Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 1852. edition published: 10.31.07

Also See:
Betty Gannett, "The Essence of Browder Revisionism", Political Affairs, Sept., 1969
Sam Webb, "A Ragged Process", October 29 2009 and the Thread that follows :

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