April 09, 2010

25th Central Convention of the YCL-LJC to be held May 21, 22, 23 in Toronto ,YCL-LJC CC, March 2010

25th Central Convention - Congrè Central


25 YCL Central Convention Logo

War, misery, exploitation, apathy and poverty cannot be our future. Young people cannot and should not remain indifferent. Now is the time to unite and organize!

Join us in Toronto, May 21-23 2010!


In accordance with the Constitution of the Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada (YCL-LJC), the Central Committee calls the 25th Central Convention of the YCL-LJC to be held May 21, 22, 23 in Toronto!

This comes at a significant moment in the labour and people’s struggle, including the youth and student fight-back.

In the last few months, the Harper Conservative's anti-environmental approach in Copenhagen, their dictatorial January prorogue of Parliament, and the corporate circus of the Olympic games (breaking the sham Olympic truce with a major offensive in Afghanistan) have all engendered widespread public outrage and protest by youth and students. Our discussion documents were released immediately after the 2010 Federal budget, which is an accelerated attack on the youth and the people.

The main these of the documents is that the global economic crisis, transferred through the policies of the Harper Conservatives, is the primary attack that the youth and people’s movements must unite and combat. Our priority areas of struggle are:

o young workers,
o peace and anti-imperialism,
o the student movement, and
o global warming.

The documents linked below are the first Discussion Bulletin. There will be at least two more issues of the Discussion Bulletin. The Discussion Bulletin will publish written contributions submitted by members, clubs, and committees on the Draft Political Resolution and any other matters properly before the Convention. We welcome submissions from friends of the YCL-LJC.

The Central Committee is optimistic that our proposals will be supported. We’re seeking to democratically harness the potential of our League to embellish, re-focus, reinforce, and perhaps redesign this document as it sees fit – not as an academic editing exercise but making points of connection between the documents and the local reality of our struggles. We welcome and encourage consultations with friends and allies and hope this discussion will be creative!

The Convention itself will be an event worth attending! We will have social and cultural events, guest speakers from progressive youth across Canada and young Communist organizations around the world, and unique and powerful debate about the future of the youth in this country.

See you in Toronto!

March 2010

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