April 22, 2010

reading ( 2003) "A turning point in human history" by cpusa chair Sam Webb, by Andrew Taylor, 22 April 2010

This morning I was reading a 2003 Statement "A turning point in human history" by cpusa chair Sam Webb on the cpusa.org site:

"It [the world peace movement]... sees the imminent and longer range dangers to peace, including a new round of terrorism, as organically connected to the aggression, militarism, racism, false patriotism, economic policies, and the new military doctrine of the Bush administration and U.S. imperialism."

My question for Chair Webb is this: the Bush presidency is gone but did the "US imperialism" you acknowledged in 2003 also pack up and go away when the Bushes went back to Crawford ?

Until demonstrated otherwise and with particular regard to Latin America,Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other axes of US "interests" I conclude that US imperialism remains in place around the world . Obama has massively escalated the War in Afghanistan but Webb and the cpusa NB are silent. Isn't that what communists refer to as right-wing opportunism?

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