July 22, 2010

Internationally renowned Chilean Communist dies aged 93, ITAR-TASS News Agency, 21.07.2010, 19.08

BUENOS AIRES, July 21 (Itar-Tass) – One of the most widely known leaders of the Communist movement in Latin America, former Secretary General of the Chilean Communist Parry Luis Corvalan has died in Santiago at the age of 93, Chilean radio said Wednesday.

He died early morning Wednesday in his private house.

Corvalan joined the Communist Party of Chile in 1932 soon after the fall of dictatorship of Carlos Ibanez del Campo. He was fifteen years old at the time.

Upon receiving higher education as a teacher, Corvalan became a member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee in 1952, and he held the post of the Secretary General from 1958 through 1989 got.

After the bloody military coup of September 11, 1973, which brought to power General Augusto Pinochet’s junta, Corvalan immediately went underground and stayed for 16 days in a safehouse.

The forces loyal to the new dictatorship arrested him September 27, 1973. He was first kept in a prison cell and then transferred to a concentration camp on the Dawson Island.

He was the most known political prison of the Pinochet era after the murder of the internationally popular leftwing singer and actor Victor Jara.

In 1976, following a recommendation by Dr Andrei Sakharov, the Soviet leadership swapped Corvalan for the Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky.

He first lived in Berlin and then moved to Moscow where he continued active efforts for the restoration of civilian rule in Chile.

Corvalan returned to his homeland in October 1978, five months after the reverting of state power there to civilian rule. He had resigned from the post of the Communist Party’s Secretary General by then.

In 1995, he published a book on the disintegration of the USSR, in which he described the event as a tragedy for the world Socialist movement.

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