August 02, 2010

KKE will not hand over lists with its supporters: Aleka Papariga, Communist Party of Greece

“Through the bill of the Ministry of Interior on the expenditure of the candidates in the regional and local elections the government seeks to kill two birds with one stone” commented Aleka Papariga, General Secretary of the CC of KKE and added: “one the one hand, it seeks to beautify the political system that produces anti-people policies like those implemented nowadays and on the other, it seeks to inflict the political activity of KKE that opposes these policies”.

This bill actually imposes to the parties to hand over the lists of their supporters to the bourgeois state under the pretext of the combat against “black money” in politics.

In her speech at the Parliament, Aleka Papariga reminded that in the past, KKE, its members, its cadres, its friends but also people who supported the party financially from the little they had, were sent to prison and exile. The General Secretary of the CC of KKE underlined that KKE will not comply with this law, that it won’t hand over the lists with the names of its contributors; it will continue the policy of collecting money through coupons and it will it not hand over the names of thousands of people who support it financially.

She added that this law “is fully in line with the proclamation of anticommunism to official ideology of the EU and the Europe in general” reminding the anti-communist decisions of the EU, the European Parliament as well as the Council of Europe.

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