November 15, 2010

VI Congress of the Cuban Communist Party: Towards a Future of Socialism, By Hilda Pupo S. / / Monday, 15 November 2010

The announcement of the holding of the Sixth Congress of the Cuban Communist Party in April, brings an implicit truth: we approach the development of a defining event for the future of Cuba and its Revolution.

There is talk of strengthening brotherhood and changes to the current circumstances, but it is good to clarify, not to raise hopes in those who wish us ill, that those changes are only within the current model of socialism in the country.

Following the first modifications in recent years, the hostile press started asking about their slow pace and their alleged superficiality. Raul said that he had been elected president to defend socialism, not to destroy it.

It is certain that only under a political system like ours, we will be able to face the difficulties and plan our course without losing the essence of Cuba's humanitarian work; therefore the economy, the central theme of the event, will be discussed further in the search for better use of forces or more planning, but not the imperative of the market where the naked capitalist trend of supply and demand prevails.

It will analyze the defense of equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, other than to egalitarianism in the mechanisms of distribution and redistribution of income, because we cannot keep thinking about the general merits for the grace of wanting to be fairer. The work must be paid for quantity and quality and this will set the difference.

If the draft Guidelines for the economic and social policy of the country will be available to the entire population, which can emit criteria with a view to consideration and approval by Congress, it is due to the permanent respect for democracy. "Revolutionaries, the direction and the majority of the people are our most important strategic weapon, which has allowed us to get here and continue the future development of socialism," said Raul.

The discussion of his speech at the celebration of July 26th in Camagüey, is the best background for the deliberations that will begin now, and which call for reflection children of knowledge, not romantic and unworkable criteria.

With the meeting of the Communist Vanguard the economic model, now immersed in the adjustments to the reorganization of work that aims to deflate the templates in the search for higher yields, will be updated. Enhancing self-employment is part of these new mechanisms.

The greatest wealth in this definition of future is the people's participation.

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