December 08, 2015

Images posted on Twitter by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela today, two days after their legislative defeat at the hands of the oligarchy and counter-revolution

thanks to the PSUV and Sam Heaton
Without Whining -- Images posted on Twitter by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela today, two days after their defeat at the hands of the oligarchy and counter-revolution which captured a majority in the Venezuelan legislative elections.

English Translation of Text on images:
"The second time I met Lenin was in 1906 at the Stockholm Congress of our Party. You know that the Bolsheviks were in the minority at this congress and suffered defeat. This was the first time I saw Lenin in the role of the vanquished. But he was not in the least like those leaders who whine and lose heart after a defeat. On the contrary, defeat transformed Lenin into a spring of compressed energy which inspired his supporters for new battles and for future victory. I said that Lenin was defeated. But what sort of defeat was it? You had only to look at his opponents, the victors at the Stockholm Congress—Plekhanov, Axelrod, Martov and the rest. They had little of the appearance of real victors, for Lenin’s merciless criticism of Menshevism had not left one whole bone in their body, so to speak. I remember that we, the Bolshevik delegates, huddled together in a group, gazing at Lenin and asking his advice. The speeches of some of the delegates betrayed a note of weariness and dejection. I recall that to these speeches Lenin bitingly replied through clenched teeth: 'Don’t whine, comrades, we are bound to win, for we are right.' Hatred of the whining intellectual, faith in our own strength, confidence in victory—that is what Lenin impressed upon us. It was felt that the Bolsheviks’ defeat was temporary, that they were bound to win in the very near future.
"'No whining over defeat'—this was the feature of Lenin’s activities that helped him to rally around himself an army faithful to the end and confident in its strength."
- J. Stalin, “Lenin: A Speech Delivered at a Memorial Meeting of the Kremlin Military School, January 28, 1924.”

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