Khrouchtchev Et La Desagregation De L’URSS: Essai d’analyse du
rapport de Nikita S. Khrouchtchev, présenté à la session secrete du Comité
Central du PCUS, le 25 février 1956
By Mikhail Kilev
Sofia, Bulgaria: Editions Niks Print, 2005.
Pp. 176.
Reviewed by Roger Keeran
November 27, 2015
source: Marxism-Leninism Today link:
Nikita Kruschev with Marshall Stalin when serving in the highest echelons of the Soviet Party
For many
Marxist-Leninists, no question is more difficult than the question of
Joseph Stalin. It is easy to understand why this is so. For nearly
ninety years the political discourse in the West has been saturated by attacks
on Stalin. The attacks more or less began with Leon Trotsky’s many books
accusing Stalin of having betrayed the revolution. Then after World War
II came the Cold War anti-Stalinism intellectually led by Hanna Arendt and the
idea that Stalin and Hitler were the evil twins who built totalitarian
The most devastating attack of all, of course, came from the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union, when in his so-called secret speech to the
XXth Congress in 1956, its leader Nikita Khrushchev accused Stalin of
establishing a cult of personality and unjustly persecuting thousands of
innocent Communists. Aside from the Chinese Communist Party as well as
the Albanian, Greek, and Portuguese Communist Parties , almost every other
Communist Party in the world accepted and adopted Khrushchev’s views.
In the 1960s and 1970s, such writers as Robert Conquest, Roy
Medvedev and Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and others too numerous to mention
embellished Khrushchev’s indictment and claimed that the number of Stalin’s
victims reached upwards of 60 millions, and that no part of Soviet life from
ideology, to science and the arts escaped the corrosive impact of
Stalinism. Anti-Stalinism thus passed seamlessly into
By the 1960’s as the left revived in the U.S. and elsewhere, the
ideology of anti-Stalinism was so pervasive that few could even imagine
challenging it. Young people attracted to the struggles against racism,
war and imperialism and attracted to the ideas of Marx and Lenin and socialism
sought ways to accommodate their new ideals with the dominant
anti-Stalinism. This accounts for why so many embraced Trotskyism.
It was a ready-made socialist ideology that co-existed peacefully with ruling
class anti-Stalinism.
Others were attracted to the idea of a New
Left, an ideology that embraced the ideals of peace, anti-racism, and
participatory democracy while rejecting the “old” ideologies of communism and
This also dovetailed perfectly with the anti-Communism and
anti-Stalinism of the time. Even those in the New Left who became
sympathetic to Vietnam, China, Cuba and the Soviet Union did so without
challenging the pervasive anti-Stalinism. Pragmatism ruled. Instead
of thinking about Stalin, it was easier to conclude that the Soviet Union and
other socialist countries had repudiated Stalin and moved beyond him. The
anti-Stalinist ideas were so pervasive in the general political
discourse, that many simply thought where there was smoke there must be
fire, something must have been wrong with Stalin, or that in any case, it was
not worth the effort to figure out Stalin since the prejudice against him was
so deep and widespread, if was useless to try to make headway against it.
Then, when the Soviet Union and many of its socialist allies
collapsed in the late 1980s, many, including those in the Communist Party
U.S.A., attributed the collapse to the residual effects of Stalinism.
Consequently, in the seventy years since Stalin’s death, little
effort has been made by Marxist-Leninists to evaluate the Stalin leadership and
the Stalin years. Notable, isolated exceptions exist. Some
Marxists-Leninists urge that Stalin be restored to a place of revolutionary
honor next to Marx, Engels, and Lenin. However well-meaning, such
insistence is not the same as serious study and an all-sided evaluation.
Domenico Losurdo, Staline: Historie et Critique d’une Légende Noire is a
worthy study, but it is not available in English.
The serious examination by the American Communist, Kenneth
Cameron, Stalin: Man of
Contradiction, was rejected by the American Communist Party and was
published in Canada. Grover Furr’s books, including Khrushchev
Lied, make a valiant effort to expose some of the untruths surrounding Stalin,
though he stopped short of trying to say what the truth about Stalin actually
But for the most part, a Marxist-Leninist approach to Stalin
remained a void. Though Stalin was the leading theoretician of
socialism after Lenin’s death, and led the Soviet Union during the time that it
built socialism, industrialized, collectivized agriculture, defended itself
from imperialism encirclement and fascist invasion, and rebuilt itself after
the devastation of World War II, his leadership remained a gigantic black
This is where Mikhail Kilev’s book comes in. Kilev, a
doctor of military science of the Military Academy of Sofia, has produced an
important study on Khrushchev’s secret speech on Joseph Stalin to the XX
Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Originally published
in Bulgarian in 1999, Kilev’s essay appeared in a French translation in
2005. It deserves an English translation, because it provides at least
the beginning of a treatment of Stalin from a Marxist-Leninist point of
The book has two thrusts. The first eight chapters provide
an account of the circumstances around Khrushchev’s secret speech, a refutation
of the main charges that Khrushchev made against Stalin, and an explanation of
why Khrushchev made these charges. The second thrust is an argument that
Khrushchev’s revisionism, in conjunction with other factors such as the
imperialist offensive against the Soviet Union, played a major role in the
collapse of the Soviet Union under Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
Not everything Kilev says is new. Domenico Losurdo has
explained the way that Khrushchev’s report dovetailed with the post-World War
II campaign to demonize Stalin. Kenneth Cameron recognized the positive
evaluation of Stalin by many of his contemporaries, including Marshal
Zhukov. Grover Furr has pointed out the “lies” that permeated
Khrushchev’s secret speech, and Bahman Azad has pointed to the role played by
Khrushchev’s revisionism in the Soviet collapse.
Kilev writes as a Communist, and his arguments will be of most
interest to other Marxist-Leninists. He takes seriously the words
of Marx, Lenin and Stalin and the testimony of such Communists as V.I. Molotov
and Marshal Georgii K. Zhukov. Consequently, Kilev’s clear
arguments and documentation will have little impact on intellectuals and
activists who are so imbued with anti-Communism and anti-Stalinism that they
cannot imagine Stalin or any Soviet Communists having anything intelligent or
reliable to say about their own revolution or their own country.
Kilev not only refutes the major allegations that Khrushchev
made against Stalin in the secret speech but also shows that that Stalin’s
actual qualities and behavior as a leader as described by his contemporaries
were completely at odds with Khrushchev’s caricature. Moreover, Kilev
demonstrates that the ideas underpinning Khrushchev’s speech as well as his
policies departed sharply from the previously accepted ideology of
Marxism-Leninism and departed as well from the reality.
Consequently, Khrushchev’s report fostered division, confusion, cynicism,
demoralization and complacency. It led to disasters for the world
Communist movement and in the long run for Soviet socialism itself.
Khrushchev gave the greatest attention to the repression that
occurred under Stalin. By now Khrushchev’s litany is familiar: Driven by
a suspicious nature and a desire for personal power, Stalin unleashed
administrative violence, mass repression, and terror mainly against the
cadre of the party and that victimized thousands and thousands of innocent
people, violated socialist legality and instilled fear throughout the
land. Kilev tries to sort through the fact and fiction of the
repression and to put it in context. He points out that Khrushchev
himself never gave a figure for the number of victims beyond “thousands and
Khrushchev, however, opened the door for Roy Medvedev and
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and others to make phantasmagorical claims of 40 to 60
million and 60 million deaths. Kilev says that if such figures were
even remotely true, it would be impossible to account for the indisputable
growth of the Soviet population from 154 million before the First World War to
190 million in 1941. Kilev quotes Molotov that the archives opened
under Gorbachev showed that the total condemned persons numbered 600,000 or
less than .5 percent of the population.
Kilev also points out that far from being the decision of Stalin
alone, the repression of the 1930’s was the result of decisions of the
Central Committee and Soviet government. Khrushchev himself as a member
of the Central Committee and General Secretary of the Ukrainian party
participated in making and executing these decisions.
Moreover, Kilev argues that the repression did not flow from
Stalin’s suspicious nature, paranoia or power hunger, but from real threats to
socialism posed a variety of diverse but real threats -- Fifth
Columnists, saboteurs, traitors, political opposition, incompetence, careerism,
and disunity. The case of General Vlasov, who deserted to the Germans and
formed the so-called Army for the Liberation of Russia, was just one of example
of the kind of threats Stalin and the Central Committee confronted and had to
Kilev concedes that in the conduct of the purges, the Party made
mistakes and removed and punished many innocent people. These mistakes caused
terrible damage. Nevertheless, under the circumstances, Kilev says,
mistakes were unavoidable. Many victims who were rehabilitated and
subsequently served in the army or party, recognized this. Moreover, the
injustices were not as widespread or as dire as Khrushchev portrayed
them. Many of those responsible for the injustices, like the onetime
heads of State Security, Yezhov and Yagoda, were condemned and
punished. Before World War II, the party and government reviewed thousands
of cases and reinstated many people who had unjustly lost their
Kilev argues that the most serious mistake of Khrushchev
occurred on the nature of class struggle. Khrushchev asserted in
the XXth Congress Speech that after the seizure of power class struggle was
passing away. This was completely at variance with the historical
experiences of bourgeois revolutions and the Paris Commune and with what Marx,
Engels, Lenin, and Stalin said about class struggles after the seizure of
power. Indeed, from the end of World War II until the collapse of the
Soviet Union, the United States and other capitalist nations did everything in
their power to increase the struggle against the Soviet Union and within the
Soviet Union to promote its disintegration.
This included promoting regional conflicts, fueling the arms
race, building military alliances like NATO, and ceaseless economic,
ideological, and psychological warfare against the Soviet Union. Gus
Hall, onetime leader of the Communist Party of the United States, estimated
that the U.S. had spent $5 trillion to undermine the Soviet Union. Under
these circumstances, for Khrushchev to maintain that class struggle was passing
away was, Kilev says, tantamount to treason.
Kilev then takes up the main allegations against Stalin in
Khrushchev’s report: that Lenin’s testament had criticized Stalin, that
Stalin lacked a collective approach to work, that Stalin failed to
prepare the country’s defenses before World War II, that Stalin bungled foreign
relations (namely with Yugoslavia), that Stalin engaged in mass repression and
terror against the Communist Party, and that Stalin promoted a cult of
personality. Using quotations from military leaders like Marshall Zhukov,
party leaders like V. I. Molotov, and non-Communists like Winston Churchill,
Kilev refutes these charges seriatim.
Then, based largely on the accounts of those who worked with
Stalin, Kilev explains the basis of Stalin’s authority, a basis far removed
from the ruthless exercise of power through fear, force, intimidation and
threats. First and foremost Stalin’s standing among his comrades
was due to his deep understanding of Marxism-Leninism and his ability to apply
it to the construction and defense of socialism.
No one doubted his absolute devotion to the revolution,
socialism and the interests of the working class. His principles were
unshakable and his person incorruptible. He had a capacious and incisive
intellect that was able to analyze complex situations and lay out courses of
action clearly and comprehensively. He was decisive, calm and firm even
under great stress. He had a colossal talent for
organization. He had a tremendous capacity for work. In his life
style, his manner of work and his relations with others, he exhibited great
modesty and simplicity. It was the combination of these characteristics
as well as the undeniable achievements of the Soviet Union under his leadership
that gave Stalin the towering authority and respect among his comrades, among
the people generally, and even among many of his enemies.
In the last chapter, Kilev argues that Khrushchev’s
revisionism—his denigration of Stalin, his abandonment of certain of
Stalin’s ideas like the heightening of class conflict, his establishment
of a nomenklatura based on personal loyalty and often based on those previously
repressed, and many of the ideas and practices associated with the so-called
Khrushchev “thaw,” undermined the foundations of Soviet socialism, led to
attacks on Lenin and Marx, and prepared the eventual Soviet collapse.
Even after Khrushchev was replaced by Brehnev, no rectification
occurred. Instead the attack on Stalin in the Soviet Union continued
unabated for thirty years. Because of the authority of the Soviet Union,
most Communist Parties in the world joined this chorus, which of course
dovetailed perfectly with the ideological tune promoted by the
West. Khrushchev’s ideas based on such lies and distortions
weakened and disoriented the Soviet people ideologically, caused a
slackening of vigilance with regard to internal and external threats, and
demoralized that revolutionary spirit that had been so key to building and
defending socialism in the 1930’s and 1940s.
Kilev describes his book as an essay, and it is more of an essay
than a comprehensive history. Moreover, he does not take up many
difficult questions, such as why the mistakes occurred, or whether such extreme
measures as the pre-emptive removal of members of certain ethnic groups and the
punishment of the families of guilty parties were necessary and
justified Though he appreciates the positive role of democratic
centralism and unity in building and protecting socialism, he does not explain
how the abuse of democratic centralism occurred under Khrushchev that permitted
Khrushchev to crush his opposition and establish hegemony for his revisionist
ideas. Still, Kilev has laid the foundation for a Marxist-Leninist
understanding of Stalin and Khrushchev that is more solid than anything that
has come before.
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