March 12, 2016

"Goody two-shoes' : Children's stories as ruling-class parables. Andrew Taylor, Sat. March 12, 2016

Margery Meanwell is a veritable Saint Francis in the Victorian cover of the tale: Goody Two Shoes is depicted living in idyllic poverty communing with animals

'Goody Two-Shoes' was a Children's story of a poor orphan girl named Margery Meanwell, who schlepps through life with inadequate footwear...

The 1888 edition of a children's story by an anonymous author, first published in 1765. The fable tells of ‘Goody Two-Shoes’, the nickname of a poor orphan girl named Margery Meanwell, who bravely hops through a life of poverty as a series of unfortunate events.

A distressed woman in a nightgown and one sneaker (Daryl Hannah) in Sense8. Photo: Murray Close/Netflix

When she is given a complete pair by a bourgeois gentleman, she is so happy, that she tells everyone that she has been made whole - she has two shoes!
Cinderella receives shoe from Prince

Later, Margery becomes a teacher, and marries a rich widower. This marriage to wealth serves as proof that her virtuousness has been rewarded, a popular theme in children's literature of the era.

The story's an Owning-class tinged fantasy of salvation from the urban hell of The Industrial Revolution through a combination of docile witless virtue, winning the philanthropic sweepstakes and marrying up out of one's class.
Tired of being poor? Prostitute yourself by marrying for Money!

Virtue's Reward: a Man of Means

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