July 16, 2016

103 years ago Lenin wrote these 2 paragraphs entitled: "Capitalist barbarism is stronger than civilisation" Pravda Truda, 1913

"Capitalist barbarism is stronger than civilisation".

On all sides, at every step one comes across problems which man is quite capable of solving immediately, but capitalism is in the way. It has amassed enormous wealth—and has made men the slaves of this wealth. It has solved the most complicated technical problems—and has blocked the application of technical improvements because of the poverty and ignorance of millions of the population, be cause of the stupid avarice of a handful of millionaires.

Civilisation, freedom and wealth under capitalism call to mind the rich glutton who is rotting alive but will not let what is young live on.

But the young are growing and will emerge supreme in spite of all".
 - - - - - - -

Published: Pravda Truda No. 6, September 10, 1913. Signed: W.. Published according to the Pravda Truda text. 
Source: Lenin Collected Works, Progress Publishers, 1977, Moscow, Volume 19, pages 388-389V. I. Lenin "Civilised Barbarism"

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