Communist Party of the Soviet Union - has a combat tested vanguard of the
Soviet people, uniting on a voluntary basis the advanced, the most
conscious part of the working class, the collective farm peasantry and the
intelligentsia of the USSR.
by Lenin, as the vanguard of the working class, the Communist Party has
traversed a glorious path of struggle, he led the working class and the
toiling peasants to the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution
and the establishment of the proletarian dictatorship in the
USSR. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
eliminated the exploiting classes, has developed and strengthened the moral
and political unity of Soviet society. Socialism has triumphed
completely and finally. The Communist Party, the party of the working
class, now become the party of the entire Soviet people.
Party exists for the people and serves the people. It is the highest
form of socio-political organization, leading and guiding force of Soviet
society. The Party directs the great creative activity of the Soviet
people, gives an organized, systematic, scientifically substantiated
character to their struggle to achieve the ultimate goal - the victory of
bases its work on the basis of strict observance of the Leninist norms of
party life, the principle of collective leadership, the comprehensive
development of inner-party democracy, activity and initiative of Communists,
criticism and self-criticism.
Law Party life - ideological and organizational unity, the solidity of its
ranks, high conscious discipline of all Communists. Any manifestation
of factionalism and group incompatible with the Marxist-Leninist Party,
with a stay in the party. The party is exempt from those who violate
the Program of the CPSU Statutes and compromising their behavior as a Communist.
all activities of the CPSU is guided by the Marxist-Leninist doctrine,
developed on the basis of its program, which sets out the main tasks of the
Party in the period of building a communist society.
developing Marxism-Leninism, the CPSU resolutely fight against all
manifestations of revisionism and dogmatism, profoundly alien to
revolutionary theory.
Communist Party of the Soviet Union - an essential, integral part of the
international communist and workers' movement. It stands firmly on the
tested Marxist-Leninist principles of proletarian internationalism and
actively contributes to strengthening the unity of the international
communist and workers' movement, the fraternal ties with the great army of
Communists of all countries.
A member of the Communist Party can be any citizen of the Soviet Union to
recognize the program and the Constitution of the Party, actively participating in the
building of communism, working in one of the Party organizations, carrying
out the Party's decisions and pay membership fees.
fight for the creation of the material-technical base of communism, an
example of a communist attitude toward labor, raise productivity,
spearheaded a whole new, progressive, support and disseminate best
practices, to acquire technology, to improve their skills, to preserve and
multiply the public, socialist property - the foundation of the
Soviet power and prosperity of the motherland;
firmly and unswervingly implement the decisions of the Party, explain to
the masses the party policy, contribute to the strengthening and expansion
of relations with the people of the party, to show sensitivity and
attention to the people in a timely manner to respond to the requests and
needs of the working people;
c) actively participate in the political life of the country, in the
management of public affairs, in the economic and cultural development, to
set an example in carrying out public duties, to help the development and
consolidation of communist social relations;
d) master Marxist-Leninist theory, raise their ideological level,
contribute to the formation and education of the man of communist
society. Wage a determined struggle against all manifestations of
bourgeois ideology, with the remnants of private-property psychology, religious
prejudices, and other remnants of the past, to respect the principles of
communist morality, put public interests above personal ones;
be an active conductor of ideas of socialist internationalism and Soviet
patriotism among the masses of workers to combat the vestiges of
nationalism and chauvinism, in word and deed contribute to the
strengthening of friendship of the Soviet peoples, the fraternal ties of
the Soviet people with the peoples of the socialist countries, with the
proletariat and working people of all countries;
in every possible way to strengthen the ideological and organizational
unity of the party, to protect the party from infiltration by people
unworthy of high rank communists, to be truthful and honest with the Party
and the people to be vigilant, to keep the party and state secrets;
develop criticism and self-criticism, boldly expose weaknesses and seek to
eliminate them, to fight against ostentation, conceit, complacency and
parochialism, to give a decisive rebuff any attempt to suppress criticism,
to oppose any acts detrimental to the party and the state, and to report
them to the party authorities, up to the Central Committee of the CPSU;
steadily carry out the Party line in the selection of personnel according
to their political and professional qualities. Be uncompromising in
all cases, when violated Leninist principles of selection and training of
observe Party and state discipline, equally binding on all Party
members. Party has one discipline and one law for all communists,
regardless of merit and their positions;
to contribute fully to the strengthening of the defense power of the Soviet
Union, to conduct a relentless struggle for peace and friendship between
A Party member has the right to:
to elect and be elected to the party organs;
free discussion at Party meetings, conferences, congresses, at meetings of
Party committees and Party press policy and the practical activities of the
party, to make proposals, to openly express and defend their views before a
decision by the organization;
criticize at Party meetings, conferences, congresses, plenary of the
Committee any Communist, regardless of his post. Persons guilty of
suppressing criticism and persecution for criticism, should be held to
strict party liability, up to expulsion from the party ranks;
to participate personally at Party meetings, meetings of the bureau and
committees when discussing his behavior or activity;
ask questions, statements and proposals to any Party body, up to the
Central Committee, and to demand an answer on the merits of his appeal.
Admission to the party members made exclusively on an individual
basis. The members of the party make a conscious, active and dedicated
to the cause of communism the workers, peasants and intellectuals. New
members are accepted from candidates that have passed the specified
probationary period.
Those received in the party to be at least 18 years. Young people up to 23 years inclusive
joins the party only through the Komsomol.
procedure for admission to the party members of the candidates:
entering into the party members are recommendations from three Party
members who have a Party standing of at least five years and who know
recommended by the joint production and social work at least one year.
Komsomol members joining the party requires a recommendation of the district,
city Komsomol committee, which equates to a recommendation by a member of
the party.
and alternate members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
refrained from recommendations;
The question of admission to the party is discussed and decided by the general
meeting of the primary Party organization; its decision shall be
considered adopted if voted for by at least two-thirds of the members of
the party were present at the meeting, and shall enter into force after the
approval of the district committee, and in the cities, where there is no
division into districts - city Party committee.
discussing the question of admission to the party is not necessarily
recommending presence;
citizens of the USSR who were previously members of the Communist and
workers' parties of other countries, are accepted in the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union on the basis of rules established by the Central Committee
of the CPSU.
who prior to the other parties accepted the CPSU on a common basis, but
with the obligatory statement of regional and territorial committees, the
Communist Party of the Union republic.
Recommends to the Party organizations are responsible for the objectivity
of the characteristics of political, business and moral qualities
The party experience to join the party members is calculated from the date
of the decision of the general meeting of the primary party organizations
of the adoption of the candidate of the party members.
treatment of members and alternate members of the party and the transition
from one organization to another is determined by the respective
regulations of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
The question of the member or alternate members of the party, has not paid
the membership fees without valid reasons for three months, subject to
discussion in the primary party organization. If it turns out that the
member or candidate members of the Party actually lost contact with the
party organization, it shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the party, as
the primary Party organization makes a decision and submit it for approval
by the district committee or the Party Committee.
For non-compliance with statutory obligations and other offenses member or
candidate members of the party to be liable and it can be penalties
imposed: statement on the form, a reprimand (severe reprimand), reprimand
(severe reprimand) to be entered in the registration card. Higher
measure of party punishment is expulsion from the Party.
minor offenses should apply measures Party education and influence in the
form of comradely criticism, Party censure removal, warnings or
deciding whether to exclude from the party must be provided with the
maximum attention and a thorough analysis of the reasonableness of the
charges against the Communists.
The exclusion of the Communist Party decided by a general meeting of the
primary party organization. The decision of the primary party
organization of the expulsion from the party shall be deemed adopted if
voted for by at least two-thirds of the members of the party were present
at the meeting, and shall take effect upon approval by the district
committee or city Party committee.
the approval of district or city Party committee decision to expel from the
party or the candidate's party membership card remains on the card in the
hands of the Communists, and he has the right to attend closed Party meetings.
the exception of the party retains the right to, within two months to
appeal to the higher Party bodies up to the Central Committee.
The question of bringing to the party liability of members, candidates for
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union republic,
territorial, regional, district committee, city committee, district
committee of the party, as well as members of audit committees is discussed
in the primary Party organizations.
of party organizations on the imposition of penalties on the members and
alternate members of the Party committees and members of audit commissions
received in the normal way.
Party organizations to expel from the party shall be communicated to the
party committee, is a member of the Communist decision to expel from the
party members, candidates for the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of the Union republic, territorial, regional, district committee, Municipal
Committee, Party Committee and Member of Audit Commission accepted at the
plenary session the relevant committee by a two-thirds vote of its members.
exclusion of a member of the party, a candidate member of the CPSU Central
Committee and the Central Auditing Commission members decided by the Party
Congress, and in the intervals between congresses - the Plenum of the
Central Committee by a majority of two thirds of the members of the Central
If a party member has committed offenses punishable under criminal law, it
should be excluded from the party and prosecuted in accordance with the
expelled from the Party and received penalties as well as the decision of
the Party organizations to expel from the party considers relevant party
bodies in a period not exceeding one month from the date of their receipt.
joins the party pass the probationary period required in order to better
familiarize themselves with the program and the CPSU Statutes and prepare
to join the members of the party. The party organization is to help
candidates prepare for accession to the members of the CPSU and to check
his personal qualities.
period is established for a period of one year.
The procedure for admission to the candidate (individual reception,
provision of advice, the decision of the primary organization of the
reception and approval) is the same as that for admission to the party
At the end of a probationary period, the primary Party organization
considers and decides on admission to the members of the party
candidate. If, during the passage of a probationary period, the
candidate has not proved himself and his personal qualities can not be
accepted as a member of the Communist Party, the party organization makes
the decision to refuse him admission to the members of the party, and after
the approval of this decision, the district committee or city Party
committee, he is considered to have withdrawn from candidate members of the
Candidates for party members participate in all activities of the party
organization and are at Party meetings in an advisory
capacity. Candidates for members of the party can not be elected to
the governing bodies of the party, delegates at party conferences and
Candidates for the members of the CPSU party paying contributions in the
same size as that of the party members.
The Party's Organizational Structure
The guiding principle of the party's organizational structure is democratic
centralism, which means:
election of all governing bodies of the party from the bottom up;
periodic reporting Party bodies to their Party organizations and to higher
strict Party discipline and subordination of the minority to the majority;
unconditionally binding decisions of higher authorities to lower.
The party built on the territorial - production basis: primary organization
created by the Communists and the place of work together in regional, city,
and so the organization on the territory of... The organization, which
serves the given territory, is superior to all party organizations, serving
part of it.
All Party organizations are autonomous in dealing with local issues, if
these decisions are not contrary to party policy.
The highest governing body of the party organization are: general meeting
(for primary organizations), Conference (for the regional, city, district,
provincial, regional organizations), the Congress (for the Communist
Parties of the Union republics, to the Communist Party of the Soviet
The general meeting, conference or congress shall elect a bureau or
committee, which is the executive body and directs all the current work of
the Party organization.
Election of party officials held closed (secret) ballot. All members
of the party in the elections have an unlimited right to challenge
candidates and to criticize them. Voting must be done for each
candidate individually. The candidates, of which more than half the
votes of the meeting participants, conference or congress.
the election of all party bodies - from the primary organizations to the
CPSU Central Committee - respect the principle of systematic updating of
their composition and leadership succession.
A member of the CPSU Central Committee and candidate member of the CPSU
Central Committee, all its activities shall justify the trust placed in him
a high party. If a member or candidate member of the CPSU Central
Committee dropped his honor and dignity, he can not remain in the Central
Committee. The question of removing a member of the Central Committee
of the candidate from the Party Central Committee decided at the Plenum of
the Central Committee by closed (secret) ballot.
decision is considered adopted if it voted not less than two-thirds of all
the members of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
question of removing a member of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party candidate the union republic, territorial, regional, district
committee, city committee, district committee of the party from the party
body decided at the plenum of the committee concerned. The decision is
considered adopted if it receives as a result of closed (secret) ballot
will be not less than two-thirds of the votes of the members of this
a member of the Central Auditing Commission does not justify the high trust
placed in him by the Party, it should be removed from the
Commission. This issue is resolved at the meeting of the Central
Auditing Commission. The decision is considered adopted if the
withdrawal of a member of the Central Auditing Commission of its
composition as a result of closed (secret) ballot will be filed not less
than two-thirds of the members of the Central Auditing Commission.
question of the withdrawal of the members of the audit commissions of
national, regional, provincial, district, city and regional party
organizations of the composition of these committees is decided at meetings
of the committees in the manner provided for the members and alternate
members of the Party committees.
The free and businesslike discussion of questions of Party policy in
individual Party organizations or in the party as a whole is an inalienable
right of a member of the party and an important principle of democracy
within the party. Only criticism and self-criticism and strengthened
Party discipline can be deployed on the basis of intra-party democracy,
which must be conscious and not mechanical.
the framework of individual organizations or parties in general are
possible debate on controversial or insufficiently clear issues.
Party discussion is necessary:
If this need is recognized by several party organizations regional,
national scale;
if within the CC do not have enough of a solid majority in the most
important matters of party politics;
if the CPSU Central Committee deems it necessary to consult with the whole
Party, for whatever policy.
discussion, especially discussion of all-Union scale for party policy,
should be carried out so as to ensure the free expression of the views of
party members and attempts to exclude the possibility of the formation of
factional groups, breaking the unity of the party, attempts to split the
The supreme principle of Party leadership is a collective leadership - an
indispensable condition for the normal activity of the Party organizations,
the right education of personnel, development of the activity and
initiative of Communists. The cult of personality and related
violations of internal party democracy can not be tolerated in the party,
they are incompatible with the Leninist principles of party life,
leadership does not remove the personal liability of employees for assignments.
The Communist Party Central Committees of the Union republics, territorial,
regional, district committee, city committees, district committees of the
party between congresses and conferences regularly inform the party
organizations about their work.
For a discussion of the most important decisions of the Party and to
develop measures for their implementation, as well as to address issues of
local life of the asset shall be convened by the district assembly, city,
county, regional, provincial Party organizations and Communist Parties of
the Union republics.
The supreme organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is the
Congress party.
Regular Congresses are convened by the Central Committee at
least once every five years.The convening of the Party Congress and the
agenda are announced not later than six weeks before the
congress. Extraordinary (emergency) Congresses are convened by the Central
Committee Party on its own initiative or at the request of at least one
third of the total number of Party members represented at the last party
congress. Extraordinary (emergency) congresses convened within two
months. Congress is considered valid if it is represented by at least
half of all members of the party.
basis of representation in the Congress of the Party established by the
Central Committee.
In the case of the Central Committee of the party nesozyva extraordinary
(Extraordinary) Congress of the date specified in paragraph 30 of the
period, the organization demanded to convene an extraordinary
(Extraordinary) Congress shall have the right to form an organizing
committee to exercise the privileges of the Central Committee of the Party
for the convening of an extraordinary (emergency) exit.
hear and approve reports of the Central Committee and the Central Auditing
Commission and other central institutions;
review, modify and approve the Program and the Charter Party;
defines the party line on issues of internal and foreign policy, consider
and decide the most important questions of communist construction;
elects the Central Committee and the Central Auditing Commission.
The Central Committee and the Central Auditing Commission shall be elected
in the composition prescribed by Congress. In the case of disposal of
the Central Committee, its composition is replenished from among candidates
selected by the Congress as a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the
intervals between congresses, directs all activities of the party, local
party organs, carries out selection and placement of managerial personnel,
directs the work of the central government and public organizations of the
working people through the Party groups in them, it creates different
bodies, institutions and enterprises of the party and supervises their
activities, appoints editors working under the control of the central
newspapers and magazines, distributes the funds of the party budget and
monitors its implementation.
Central Committee represents the CPSU in relations with other parties.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party regularly informs the party
organizations about their work.
The CPSU Central Auditing Commission inspects the speed and accuracy of the
passage of affairs in the central organs of the party, the cashier and the
enterprise of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
The CPSU Central Committee shall hold at least one plenary meeting in six
months.Candidates for the Central Committee members present at the plenum
of the Central Committee in an advisory capacity.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union elects to
guide Party work between plenary sessions of the Central Committee - the
Political Bureau; to guide the ongoing work, mainly on the recruitment
and organization of test execution - the Secretariat. The Central
Committee elects the General Secretary of the CPSU.
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union will
organize at the Central Party Control Committee.
Control Committee of the Central Committee:
verify compliance with the members and candidate members of the CPSU party
discipline, attracted to the responsibility of Communists guilty of
breaching the Program and the Charter Party, Party and state discipline, as
well as violators of Party ethics;
deals with appeals against decisions of the Central Committee of the
Communist Parties of the Union republics, territorial and regional party
committees to expel from the party and party penalties.
In the period between the Congresses of the CPSU Central Committee as
appropriate may convene the All-Union Party Conference to discuss the
pressing issues of Party policy.The order of the All-Union Party Conference
is determined by the Central Committee.
territorial, regional, area, city and district organizations of the party
Republican, territorial, regional, county, city and district Party
organizations and committees in their activities are guided by the Program
and the Charter Committee, conducted within the republic, territory,
region, county, city and district all the work to implement the Party's
policy, organize execution directives of the CPSU Central Committee.
The main responsibilities of national, regional, provincial, county, city
and district party organizations and their governing bodies are:
political and organizational work among the masses, mobilizing them to
carry out the tasks of communist construction, all-round development of
industrial and agricultural production, fulfillment and over-fulfillment of
state plans; concern for the steady improvement of the material
well-being and cultural level of the working people;
the organization of ideological work, propaganda of Marxism-Leninism,
increasing the communist consciousness of the working people, the
leadership of the local press, radio and TV, monitor the activities of
cultural and educational institutions;
Boards of management, trade unions, the Komsomol, co-operatives and other
public organizations through the Party groups in them, increasing the
involvement of workers in the work of these organizations, the development
of initiative and activity of the masses, as a prerequisite for the gradual
transition from a socialist statehood to communist social self-government.
organizations are not a substitute for government, trade union, cooperative
and other public organizations of the working people, do not allow the
mixing of the functions of Party and other bodies, unnecessary duplication
of work;
selection and placement of managerial personnel, training them in the
spirit of communist ideology, honesty and truthfulness, high responsibility
to the Party and the people for the work entrusted to them;
broad involvement of communists in carrying out party work as freelancers,
in order of social activities;
organization of various institutions and enterprises within the party of
the republic, territory, region, county, city or area of their
activity; distribution in its organization of the party
funds; systematic information higher party authority and reporting to
him about his work.
governing bodies of republican, territorial
and regional party organizations
The highest authority of the regional, territorial, republican party
organization is regional, provincial party conference or congress of the
Communist Party of the Union republic, and in between - regional committee,
the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Union republic.
Another regional, territorial conference is convened by the regional,
county committee once every two or three years. The next congress of
the Communist Party of the Union-republic Communist Party is convened at
least once every five years. Extraordinary (emergency) conferences,
congresses are convened by the decision of the regional, the regional
committee of the Communist Party of a Union Republic or at the request of
one third of the total membership of the member organizations of the
provincial, territorial, republican party organization.
norms of representation at the regional, provincial conference, Congress of
the Communist Party of a Union Republic shall be established by the
relevant committee of the party.
provincial conference, Congress of the Communist Party of a Union Republic
shall hear the reports of the regional, the regional committee of the
Communist Party of a Union Republic, the Audit Committee discusses at its discretion
other questions of Party, economic and cultural development, elect
regional, the regional committee of the Communist Party of a Union
Republic, the auditing commission and delegates to the Party Congress.
the period between congresses of the Communist Parties of the Union
republics to discuss the most important issues of the Communist Party
Central Party organizations may be as necessary to convene the Republican
Party conferences. The order of the republican party conferences is
determined by the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the Union
Provincial, territorial committees and the Central Committee of the
Communist Parties of the Union republics elect a Bureau, including a
committee of secretaries. For secretaries must have a Party standing
of five years. At the plenary sessions of the committees shall be
approved by the chairmen of the party committees, heads of departments of
these committees, party editors of newspapers and magazines.
address current issues and verification of performance in regional and
territorial committees of the Party and Communist Party Central Committees
of the Union republics secretariats can be established.
Plenum of the regional, the regional committee of the Communist Party of
a Union Republic shall be convened at least once every four months.
Regional, the regional committee of the Communist Party of a Union Republic
headed by the district, city and district party organizations, their
activities and checks regularly hear reports of district, city and district
committees of the party.
organizations of autonomous republics and autonomous regions, and other
members of the edges and the Union republics, working under the direction
of the boundary committee, Communist Party Central Committees of the Union
governing bodies of the district, city
and district (urban and rural) Party organizations
The highest authority of the district, city, district party organization is
a county, city, district party conference or general meeting of the
Communists convened by the district, city, district committee once every
two or three years, and extraordinary - by the decision of the Committee or
at the request of one-third the total number of party members, members of
the appropriate party organization.
city, district conference (meeting) hears reports of the Committee, the
Audit Committee discusses at its discretion other questions of Party,
economic and cultural development, elect the district, city, district
committee, the Audit committee and delegates to provincial, territorial
conference or congress of the Communist Party of the Union republic.
norms of representation at the district, municipal and district conference
committee established by the relevant party.
district, city, district committee elects a Bureau, including a committee
of secretaries and heads of departments approves committee, newspaper
editors. For the secretary of the district, city, regional committee
must have a Party standing of three years. Secretary of the Committee
shall be approved by regional and territorial committees, the Communist
Party of the Union republic.
city, district committee organizes and approves the primary Party
organizations, directs their activities regularly hear reports on the work
of the Party organizations, keeps a record of the Communists.
Plenum of the district, city, regional committee shall be convened at least
once every three months.
city, district committee has a freelance instructors, creates permanent or
temporary commissions on various aspects of party work and uses other forms
of involvement in the Communist Party committee of activity on a voluntary
The basis of the party are the primary organizations.
Party organizations are formed at the place of work of the Party members -
in the factories, state farms and other enterprises, collective farms, the
Soviet Army, institutions, schools, etc., in the presence of at least three
members of the party... They can also create territorial primary Party
organizations in the community of the Communists in the villages and with
the house managements.
some cases, with the permission of the regional committee, regional
committee, the Communist Party of the Union republic primary Party
organizations can be created in several companies belonging to the
industrial association and situated, as a rule, in the territory of one
district or several districts of the city.
enterprises, collective farms, institutions, where there are more than 50
members and candidate members, in general the primary party organization
with the approval of district, city, district committee may be set up party
organizations to shops, sites, farms, brigades, divisions, and so on. N .
the workshop, the district, and so on. N. Organizations, as well as within
the primary party organizations with fewer than 50 members and candidates
may be established party groups by brigades and other production units.
The supreme body of the primary party organization is the party meeting,
which is held at least once a month. The party organizations with
craft organizations, the general party meeting shall be held not less than
once every two months.
major party organizations, with over 300 Communists, general party meeting
convened at least in terms of the necessity imposed by the Party committee
or at the request of several shop Party organizations,
To maintain the current work of primary and shop Party organization elects
the Bureau for one year in an amount established by the caucus. In
primary and shop Party organizations with fewer than 15 members of the
party, not elected offices and party secretary and his deputy.
secretaries of primary and shop Party organizations must have a Party
standing of at least one year.
primary Party organizations, bringing together at least 150 party members,
party workers released positions, as a rule, not installed.
In large factories and offices, with over 300 members and candidate
members, and where necessary, taking into account the peculiarities of
production and territorial dispersion and organizations with over 100
Communists, with the approval of the regional committee, regional
committee, the Communist Party of the Union republic can be created party
committees providing guild party organizations of enterprises,
institutions, rights of primary party organization.
Party organizations of collective and state farms Party committees may be
set up in the presence of 50 Communists,
party organizations, with over 500 Communists, in some cases, with the
permission of the regional committee, regional committee, the Communist
Party of the Union republic Party committees can be created in large halls,
and party organizations of industrial sites provided the primary party
organization law.
committees are elected for two or three years, the number of members is
determined by their common party meetings, conferences.
The Party committee of primary organizations with more than 1,000
Communists, with the permission of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of a Union Republic may be granted the right to the district party
committee on admission to the Party, keeping records of members and
candidates of the Party of Communists and the consideration of personal
The primary Party organization is guided by the CPSU Program and
Statutes. She has been working directly among the working people,
rallying them around the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, is organizing
the masses to the implementation of the policy of the Party, the struggle
for the building of communism.
primary Party organization:
accepts new members of the Communist Party;
brings up the Communists in the spirit of devotion to the Party,
ideological conviction, communist morality;
To initiate investigations Communists Marxist-Leninist theory in close
connection with the practice of communist construction and opposes any
attempt at revisionist distortions of Marxism-Leninism and its dogmatic
take care of raising the vanguard role of the Communists in the labor,
social, political and economic life of the enterprise, the collective farm,
and educational institutions, and so on. etc .;
the organizer of the working people in solving the immediate tasks of
communist construction, headed by socialist competition for the fulfillment
of state plans and obligations of workers, mobilize the masses to identify
and better use of internal resources of enterprises and collective farms,
the broad introduction of the achievements of science, technology and
experience of the foremost, is seeking strengthening labor discipline,
steady increase productivity, improve product quality, takes care of the
preservation and growth of public wealth in enterprises, state farms and
collective farms;
carries out mass agitation and propaganda work, to educate the masses in
the spirit of communism, helping workers develop state and public affairs
management skills;
on the basis of broad criticism and self-criticism has been fighting with
the manifestations of bureaucratism, parochialism, violations of state
discipline, thwarts attempts to deceive the state takes action against
slackness, mismanagement and waste in factories, farms and offices;
assists the Regional Committee, slides, District Committee in all its
activities and reports to him about his work.
organizations must ensure that every Communist in the whole of his life he
kept and planted the working moral principles outlined in the P ro g ra m m
e Communist Party - in the moral code of the builder of communism:
Devotion to the cause of communism, love for the socialist homeland, the
socialist countries;
Conscientious work for the public good: he who does not work;
Everyone's concern about the preservation and growth of the public domain;
A high sense of public duty; intolerance of violations of the public
Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: one for all and all for one;
Humane relations and mutual respect between people: man to man - friend,
comrade and brother;
Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public
and private life;
Mutual respect in the family, concern for the upbringing of children;
Uncompromising attitude to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism and
Friendship and brotherhood among all peoples of the USSR, intolerance of
national and racial hatred;
Intolerance of the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and freedom of
Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, all peoples.
Primary Party organizations of industrial enterprises, transport,
communications, construction, logistics, trade, catering, public utility
services, collective and state farms and other agricultural enterprises,
design organizations, design bureaus, research institutes, educational
institutions , cultural, educational and medical institutions have the
right to control administration.
organizations of ministries, state committees and other central and local
government, economic institutions and agencies supervise the activities of
the staff to implement the Party and government directives, the observance of
Soviet laws. They should actively influence the improvement of the
operation of the machine, to educate employees in the spirit of high
responsibility for their work, take measures to strengthen state discipline
and improvement of public services, wage a resolute struggle against the
bureaucracy and red tape, a timely report to the appropriate party organs
of the shortcomings in the work of institutions, as well as individual
employees, regardless of their positions.
All-Union Leninist Young Communist League - amateur youth public
organization, an active assistant and reserve of the party. Komsomol
helps the Party to educate youth in the spirit of communism, to involve it
in the practical construction of a new society, to prepare comprehensively
developed generation of people who will live, work and manage public
affairs under communism.
Komsomol organizations shall enjoy the right of broad initiative in the
discussion and formulation to the appropriate party organizations issues of
the enterprise, collective farm, institution. They should be active
agents in the case of Party directives in all areas of communist
construction, especially where there is no primary Party organizations.
The Young Communist League is led by the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union.The work of local Komsomol organizations are directed and controlled
by the relevant national, regional, provincial, district, city and regional
party organizations.
Party bodies and primary Party organizations in the communist education of
the youth based on the Komsomol organization, support and disseminate the
useful undertakings.
The members of the Komsomol, the Communist Party accepts as members are eliminated
from the Young Communist League since joining if they do
not occupy leadership positions in the Komsomol organizations.
organizations in the Soviet Army
Party organizations in the Soviet Army, its activities are guided by the
CPSU Program and Statutes, and operate on the basis of instructions
approved by the Central Committee.
organizations of the Soviet Army and ensure conduct of policies the Party
in the armed forces, unite their personnel around the Communist Party,
educate soldiers in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism, of selfless devotion to
the socialist homeland, actively promote the strengthening of the unity of
the army and the people, take care of strengthening military discipline,
mobilize personnel to perform tasks of combat and political training,
mastering new equipment and weapons, the excellent performance of their
military duty, orders and orders of commanders.
Leaders of the party work in the armed forces is carried out by the Central
Committee of the CPSU through the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet
Army and Navy, working on the Rights of the Department of the Central
Committee of the CPSU.
the heads of political ad- districts and fleets, head of the political
armies mandatory five-year, and for the head of the political connections -
three-party experience.
Party organizations and political organs of the Soviet Army maintains close
ties with local party committees regularly informed about their political
work in the army. The secretaries of party organizations and military
leaders of the political agencies involved in the work of local party
GROUPS IN nonpartisan organizations
At the congresses, conferences and meetings convened by the government,
trade union, cooperative and other mass organizations of the working
people, as well as elected bodies of these organizations, where there are
at least three members of the party, the party organized by the
group. The aim of these groups is the comprehensive strengthening of
the influence of the party and carrying out its policies among the
non-Party, strengthening Party and state discipline, the fight against
bureaucracy, checking the execution of Party and Soviet directives.
Party groups are subject to the relevant party organs: the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Communist Party
of a Union Republic, the Regional Committee, Regional Committee, the
Regional Committee, slides, District Party Committee.
all issues Party groups must strictly and consistently guided by the
decisions of the governing bodies of the party.
The funds of the party and its organizations consist of membership fees,
revenue from businesses of the party and other revenues.
Monthly membership fees for members of the party and the candidates are set
in the following amounts:
earnings in the month:
rubles 10 kopecks Dues
51 to 100 rubles. "0.5 percent
101 to 150 rubles. "1.0 percent
151 to 200 rubles. "1.5 percent
201 to 250 rubles. "2.0 percent
251 to 300 rubles. "2.5 percent
than 300 rubles. "3.0 percent
Admission fees are charged when entering the alternate members of the party
in the amount of two percent of their monthly earnings.
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