U.S. Elections and Russia-U.S. Relations
- April 02, 2020
- Russia in Global Affairs
Source: Getty
Soviet Union’s prominent Americanist Georgy Arbatov once said: “The
U.S. election is a bad time for a good policy and a good time for a bad
one.” This rule was apparently coined to last. Anyhow, it still works.
Moreover, the past four years provided ample proof that a “bad policy
time” may last for a whole presidential term of office if the U.S.
political class remains obsessed with acute internal strife that leaves
virtually no room for sober-minded decisions and long-term strategies,
including those in the realm of foreign policy. Whether this period will
end in 2021 or last until the mid-2020s will be clear after the
November 2020 election. For Russia, this factor is extremely important
for shaping its own medium-term strategy on the American track. In a
long-term perspective, it is essential that Russia thoroughly examine
and take—subjunctive into account the experience of the past three to
ten years.
In the foreseeable future, the internal
political struggle in the United States will remain a hindrance to the
stabilization of U.S.-Russian relations. Anti-Russian hysteria continues
unabated. This is happening despite the fact that soberly-minded
Americans agree that it is essential to restore dialogue with Russia and
establish some sort of cooperation with it in addressing strategic
stability issues (the future of the New START treaty) and other
security-related matters, such as nuclear non-proliferation and
resistance to terrorism. The problem is that such cooperation is
regarded as a concession to Russia, which suggests that Moscow takes
some steps first to meet U.S. demands, for instance, admit its
interference in the 2016 election and pledge not to meddle in the U.S.
political process ever again. This approach offers little chance for
resuming a full-fledged political dialogue before the 2020 election, if
at all.
The outcome of the election will not bring
any fundamental change to U.S.-Russian relations, but may have
different effects on them, depending on what kind of victory this or
that candidate wins. If the incumbent president wins with a comfortable
margin of 4%-5% of the electorate or more, his position will be
consolidated to a point where he will have a free hand in conducting an
independent policy, including in relations with Russia, without watching
the reaction of the Democratic opposition. On the other hand, an
impressive victory by a Democratic candidate will leave no chance for
imputing it to Russia’s meddling. With time, after “one or two years of
hatred,” such an outcome may tap some, albeit strictly limited,
opportunities for resuming dialogue on military-political and
counter-terrorism-related matters. Such a pragmatic dialogue would, of
course, be counterbalanced (or camouflaged) by the Democrats’ harsh
public criticism of Russia’s domestic and foreign policies in the media.
Trump’s reelection for a second term by a
narrow margin, or only in the Electoral College vote, and not by a
majority of the electorate, will most probably start another season of
the current “Cold Civil War” saga, in which Russia is doomed to play the
part of Trump’s evil string-puller and, consequently a bitter enemy of
the U.S. Democrats, the media and a larger part of the U.S.
establishment. It remains anyone’s guess to what extent Trump will
manage to retain his professed interest in improving relations with
Russia, and to what extent the Republicans in Congress will resist the
Democrats’ efforts to tighten the grip of sanctions on Russia.
A unique and rather precarious
destabilizing situation may emerge if Trump refuses to recognize defeat
and leave the White House, and even calls on his supporters—armed with
civilian-held firearms—to defend the people’s choice from the elites’
encroachments. The history of the United States does not know such
instances, but the situation already looks extraordinary as Trump has
demonstrated he is prepared to defy any restrictions. In a situation
like this some pundits pin hopes not on courts of law or other
constitutional mechanisms of checks and balances, but on direct
involvement of the military in defending the Constitution in order to
depose the head of state reluctant to leave his seat.
In the current circumstances Moscow can hardly do anything to ease the situation with Russia’s toxicity in U.S. politics.
U.S. businesses operating in Russia remain
profitable, but they prefer to keep a low profile in order to avoid
attention on the part of sanctions enthusiasts in Congress. Potential
American newcomers are afraid of investing in Russia for fear of
sanctions and the risk of encountering Russia’s internal problems
lavishly depicted by the U.S. media. Changes for the better in this
sphere may follow, but only in the long term, and only if Russia sets a
course towards active economic development, privatization and
de-monopolization—and on the condition of strengthening the independence
of the judicial system. In this case economic attractiveness may
overpower political enmity.
Outside of the political and media
circles—mostly those in Washington—the perception of Russia as an
outwardly hostile country is far weaker. In the U.S. intellectual
community, above all in the university milieu, a revision of values,
including foreign policy ones, is well underway. There have been some
fundamental studies critical of liberal interventionism and militarism
as distinguishing features of U.S. foreign policy of the past few
decades. The issue on the agenda is not so much how best to conduct
foreign policy as how to map a new course that would match global
realities. These tendencies are not mainstream ones yet, but their very
emergence is a telling sign.
However important the 2020 presidential
election may be, in a sense it is only interim. It will highlight the
vigorous political struggle and split in society, but it will fail to
provide answers to the pressing questions. Exit from the three crises
currently engulfing the United States—in politics, social ideology and
foreign relations—will be long and painful. The point in question is
that a whole era that began when Ronald Reagan moved into the White
House is drawing to an end. In the economy this means the advent of
neoliberalism of the “Chicago School;” in the social sphere, soaring
social inequality—a situation where approximately 20 percent made
considerable gains as a result of globalization while 80 percent broke
even but considerably lost in contrast to the previous group; and in
foreign policy, triumphalism resulting from the United States’ sudden
and complete victory in the Cold War.
The contours of a new balance in the
economy and domestic and foreign policies of the United States are not
in sight yet, but the process of change has been set in motion and we
must keep a close watch on it as well as on the inevitable change of
generations in the U.S. political class: all of the main contenders for
the U.S. presidency—Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie
Sanders, and Michael Bloomberg—are over 70. The 2024 presidential
election, which will take place simultaneously with Russia’s and the
expected reconfiguration of power in Russia, may give birth to a new
image of U.S. policy and create conditions for a new start in
Russia-U.S. relations.
One of the powerful reasons for turning
this page is the current condition of Russia-U.S. relations, which can
be described in no way other than confrontation. However, this
confrontation is different from that of the Cold War—it is mostly a
conflict of interests, not an antagonism of ideologies.
The root cause of this standoff is the
lack of a satisfactory settlement following the end of the Cold War.
Having lost that confrontation under the name of the USSR, Russia
refused to get integrated with the U.S.-centric system as the United
States’ junior partner. Moreover, it embarked on a policy of regaining
the status of a great power. The winner in the Cold War, the United
States, which had in fact already written off Russia as a major
international actor, found Moscow’s offer of partnership on parity terms
utterly unacceptable. This is the most important factor about the end
of the Cold War. Subjective mistakes and miscalculations were made on
both sides, but they are of secondary importance.
The parties’ positions and mode of action
Russia asserts its right to determine,
promote and defend its interests on its own. The United States is
adamant to enforce the rules established after the Cold War. Russia’s
policies, specifically in relation to Ukraine and Syria, undermine and
reduce to nothing the value of U.S. rules. Russia is unable to recognize
the U.S.-centric world order, because it would be tantamount to
recognizing its own vassal status. The United States is unable to either
come to terms with Russia or to ignore its actions, because both would
be tantamount to relinquishing global leadership upon which U.S.
hegemony rests.
Russia’s challenge to the United States
fits in well with the current trend of nation states gaining more
strength amid waning influence of the global institutions created by the
U.S.-led West—the Pax Americana system. China’s continuing rapid growth
and India’s looming rise are graphic illustrations of this trend. Some
regional powers—Turkey, Iran, and Brazil—are rising as well. A certain
drift towards independence is noticeable in Japan’s foreign policy. In
the longer term, the process of nation states gaining more muscle is
likely to affect Europe, in particular, France and Germany.
The current Russian-U.S. standoff is a
hybrid war. The main theaters of operation/domains of that war are
informational, economic, financial, and technological. The United States
relies on its colossal material superiority over Russia.
The U.S. prefers to act straightforwardly
and massively. Russia’s actions are based on its leadership’s awareness
of the relative weakness as compared to the United States. Russia acts
asymmetrically, with precision, and often successfully. Over the past
five years Washington has failed in all of its attempts to force Moscow
to considerably change its course in the desirable direction.
Prospects of confrontation
The current state of Russia-U.S.
relations is grave but stable. Their further worsening is possible and
even most likely, but a fatal turn may occur only as a result of a
tragic coincidence of circumstances. A safety net protecting the two
sides from a direct military clash does exist. There are permanent
direct contacts between the top political leadership, military commands
and the top officials in charge of the mechanisms that ensure the
national security of Russia and the United States. It is very important
that both countries act on the understanding that the current
Russia-U.S. confrontation, however serious and potentially risky it
might look, is not existential, in contrast to the Cold War.
The chances of a considerable improvement
in relations between Russia and the United States within five to seven
years look bleak. Anti-Russian sanctions have become law and will not be
canceled for a very long time, in fact, never in the lifetime of the
current generation of politicians in office. Russia’s actions are
pragmatic by and large and stem from its leadership’s understanding of
its national interests. Based on these interests, Moscow is prepared to
cooperate with any countries as long as they respect Russia’s interests
and its status in the world. The problem is that it will be hopeless to
expect Washington to adopt such an approach in the foreseeable future.
Of course, Russia and the United States,
however obvious and insurmountable their distinctions may look, are not
eternal and irreconcilable adversaries. Long-term prospects for ending
the U.S.-Russian confrontation depend first and foremost on the internal
factors in either country. In the United States, the tendency to reduce
global involvement and focus on increasing the competitiveness of the
national basis (which began to show during the second presidency of
George W. Bush, became obvious under President Barack Obama and prevails
now that President Donald Trump is in office) is a long-term trend.
This tendency signals the possibility for reformatting U.S. relations
with its allies and partners and also with its competitors and rivals,
including Russia.
Russia’s attempts to regain the great
power status in the world raise the question of how stable this status
can be without sufficient economic success to rely on. Logically, the
solution of this problem will require a reorientation of Russia’s
foreign policy towards the country’s internal development, above all,
economic and technological. This reorientation will require shifting
attention from world order issues in general to Russia’s place and role
in the emerging world system. The country’s security in the 21st
century, while relying on sufficient support of the nuclear and
non-nuclear deterrence capabilities, will be increasingly determined by
non-military parameters. The lesson of the Soviet Union should make
Russia think more of the economy, technologies and social policies, as
well as public sentiment.
If both of the abovementioned factors come
to the fore in their respective countries, a situation may take shape
at some future date, in the 2030s-2040s, where relations between Russia
and U.S., while remaining essentially those of rivals (which is normal
for great powers), may exit the phase of acute confrontation. Ideally,
they may transform into ordinary relations between competitors, capable
of maintaining selective pragmatic cooperation.
Crucial tasks: Strategic stability
Some steps towards easing tensions may be
taken without waiting for the current standoff to end. There is a basis
for this. Although the confrontation is continuing and occasionally
intensifies, Russia and the United States are aware of the risk of a
direct military conflict. Operational channels of communication and
prevention of armed clashes have been established. Personal contacts are
maintained between officials holding key positions in the armed forces
and national security structures of their countries. Although there is
no dialogue, certain communication is maintained.
The curtailment and possible abolition of
arms control is a negative factor. Trying to preserve it will be a waste
of time. In the modern conditions a new approach needs to be taken
towards the problems of strategic stability instead of the one that was
based on the realities of the second half of the 20th century. The main
purpose of such an approach is prevention of armed conflicts between
nuclear powers. The main methods of achieving this goal are on-line
contacts and information exchanges between the countries concerned (the
way it is done in relations between Russia and the United States);
mutual restraint and unprovocative military activities; an information
dialogue on military doctrines and strategies; cooperation in nuclear
non-proliferation; joint activity in the prevention of nuclear
In the near future Russia and the United
States should extend the New START treaty (scheduled to expire in
February 2021) for another five years, enter into consultations on
hypersonic weapons and outer space, and refrain from considering
destabilizing deployment of intermediate and shorter-range missile
systems outlawed by the INF Treaty. Also, it will be useful to start a
permanent workshop discussion on strategic stability issues, which would
enable both countries to achieve a better understanding of each other’s
strategies and doctrines.
China factor
Russia-U.S. confrontation reflects the
spirit our times, but it is not its central conflict—in contrast to the
standoff between the United States and China. It is U.S.-Chinese
relations that have become the most important factor in shaping a new
world order. Compared to both the United States and China, Russia is a
relatively minor actor economically, technologically and
demographically. Nevertheless, these three countries enjoy the greatest
influence on the global geopolitical and military balances. In terms of
economy and technologies, the United States and China hold the
commanding positions, while Russia is an insignificant figure. For the
United States it is China that is the main rival and potential enemy.
Such a state of affairs creates both certain risks and opportunities for
Opportunities will open up there where the
United States shifts its focus to China, thus paying less attention to
Russia as a threat. Taking advantage of this opportunity is rather hard,
though. Even if attention towards Russia eases, the attitude of the
U.S. political elite to it remains strongly negative. Also, close
cooperation between Russia and China in the military and
military-technological spheres adds to the Americans’ annoyance with
Russia, which has ceased to be the number one opponent, but instead is
helping America’s number one adversary build its muscle.
The main risk is a possible emergence of a
new bipolar model, in which Russia, which refused to be the United
States’ junior partner, might turn into a vassal of China. Washington’s
pressure on both Moscow and Beijing contributes to the implementation of
this scenario. The opportunities for resisting this trend are rather
limited, because the development of Russia’s relations with other
advanced countries—European ones and Japan—is restricted by these
countries’ allied solidarity with the United States. To a still greater
extent Russia’s economic relations are hindered by internal structural
problems, which will be resolved one way or another but most probably
beyond the foreseeable future.
In the new Washington-Beijing-Moscow
triangle, Russia for the time being tries to remain an actor in its own
right, although its relations with the United States and China are very
differ-ent. How tightly Moscow and Beijing will coordinate their
policies on the American track de-pends largely on U.S. policies.
Russia appreciates its current relations
with China and will not take the United States’ side in its
confrontation with China. There will be no new edition of Kissinger’s
“triangular diplomacy” beneficial to the United States. At the same
time, it is obvious that amid harsh confrontation Russia at a certain
point may lack the resources to push ahead with a policy of its own.
There are enough reasons to say that double containment of Russia and
China does not agree with America’s strategic interests, either, but it
has to be borne in mind that the United States’ policies have not been
strategically impeccable lately.
In search of regional balances
If Russia succeeds in standing firm and
retaining strategic independence, then its relations with the United
States may bear fruit. A less global and more national-oriented approach
by the United States to world affairs, while creating security vacuums
in different parts of the world—the Middle and Near East, including the
Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Northeast Asia and, to a great extent,
Europe—may create conditions for Russian-U.S. cooperation within certain
limits. Such interaction should not be exclusive. On the contrary, it
may become part of multilateral efforts by leading actors to settle
conflicts that endanger their fundamental interests. A new world order
may be based on regional balances.
For example, a balance in Europe can be
gained through the settlement of the Ukraine crisis. The preconditions
for such settlement are the recognition of Crimea’s status as Russian
territory and the reintegration of Donbass with Ukraine on the basis of
the Minsk Accords of 2015. As a result, Ukraine would become a country
neutral to both the U.S./NATO and Russia and an associated partner of
the European Union with an opportunity to further develop its relations
with the EU. The Ukraine conflict must be settled by the Ukrainians,
Russians and Europeans (Germany and France above all, but not only), but
the U.S. might make its own contribution to this cause. The most
crucial move the United States would be required to make to this end
would be an unequivocal promise to refrain from NATO’s further eastward
expansion. In fact, this expansion is already blocked by the obvious
risk of a military clash and the United States’ clear reluctance to
shield countries that are secondary in terms of its national interests.
Similarly, reintegration in combination
with power-sharing and military neutrality on the condition of
unhampered relations with the European Union may constitute a successful
solution of the Transnistrian conflict in Moldova. Removal of NATO’s
expansion issue from the agenda may pave the way for Georgia’s
association with Europe and at the same time ease tensions between
Georgia and Abkhazia, Georgia and South Ossetia, and Georgia and Russia.
As far as Belarus is concerned, it would remain an independent country
having tight economic, political, military, and humanitarian bonds with
Russia within the Union State, the CSTO and the EAEU, while retaining an
opportunity to maintain diversified relations with the European Union.
In the Middle East, the United States may
begin to cooperate with Russia in the same way as the regional
states—Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and many others—do. As before,
Moscow and Washington share the goal of preventing nuclear arms
proliferation in the region. Neither Russia nor the United States hopes
for long-term gains from a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. And, of
course, the Middle East remains a hotbed of spawning radicalism,
extremism and terrorism, which the United States and Russia find equally
worrisome. The latter is entirely true of Afghanistan.
In Northeast Asia, stronger Russia-Japan
relations might be useful for the United States at a time when China
continues to gain strength. Moscow’s partnership with Tokyo, just as
close cooperation between Moscow and New Delhi, contribute to forming a
more balanced situation in Asia, the Pacific and Indian Oceans and in
the Arctic—from Murmansk to Mumbai. The development of U.S.-Russian
economic and other ties across the Pacific and Arctic Oceans would
surely promote this, too.
* * *
In recent decades Russia has been too
focused on the United States. Moscow initially had a strong desire to
unite with it in friendship and harmony, but very soon it developed an
equally strong urge to take revenge for its loss in the Cold War.
Russian leaders and elites hopelessly expected that the United States
would understand their problems and do the impossible—recognize Russia
as an equal partner.
On the eve of the third decade of the 21st
century Russians should arm themselves with patience, set their eyes on
the domestic affairs, and establish smooth and balanced relations with
far stronger China.
Or course, Moscow should closely monitor
the situation in the United States, but by no means try to intervene in
events there. Attempts at hacking into the political sanctum of other
countries always triggers an outcry and almost never yields benefits.
Keeping aloof from U.S. domestic policies is far more reasonable for
Russia than getting involved in them. Changes in the internal and
international situation in the next twenty years to come may force the
United States to reconsider its modus operandi in the world arena. Then
there may emerge a real basis for new Russia-U.S. relations of
competition and interaction. For the time being it is strongly advisable
for Russia to focus on gradually lessening the level of confrontation
with the U.S. and, in the longer term, to look for conditions that would
end it altogether.
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